SiS191/190 10/100/1000Mbs adapter manufacture test tools package release note ====== v2.02 ====== 1. Initial release. ====== v2.03 ====== 1. Modify the naming of executive file to indicate it is used for SiS191/190 only. ex. lan19x.exe 2. Add the needed file "MODERN.FON" while executing exlb19x.exe. 3. Fix the issue fail to run Diag.exe. ====== v2.04 ====== 1. DIAG19x.exe: Fix the problem of internal loopback test fail that happened after external loopback test in half duplex mode. ====== v2.05 ====== 1. DIAG19x.exe: Rx got packet when external loopback test failed in half duplex mode. 2. DIAG19x.exe: Fix the issue that internal loopback test fails sometimes. ====== v2.06 ====== 1. DIAG19x.exe: Fix 2 station test package lose issue. ====== v2.09 ====== 1. DIAG19x.exe: Fix the issue that Node ID cannot be read. 2. DIAG19x.exe: Fix the issue of Tx error for Diag19x 100/Full internal loopback test. 3. DIAG19x.exe: Fix the issue of failure for MII and PCI registers test. 4. DIAG19x.exe: It is ready for Broadcom AC131 and Marvell 88e1111 PHY. ====== v2.10 ====== 1. Realtek RTL8211 PHY is supported. 2. Add 1000 Mbps external loopback test for RTL8211 PHY. ====== v2.11 ====== 1. Fix the issue that exlb19x can't set font. ====== v2.12 ====== 1. ee19x.exe can support 190/191 EEPROM signature auto recognization. ====== v2.13 ====== 1. Fix the halt issue on SiS656 & SiS649. ====== v2.14 ====== 1. Support SiS191 REV.01 on SiS966. 2. Support Marvell PHY new chip (PHY ID: 0x01410cc2) 3. Support RGMII mode. ====== v2.15 ====== 1. Fix the failuration of Agere MII register test. ====== v2.16 ====== 1. Fix the conflict between PCI register test and USB Legacy support. ====== v2.17 ====== 1. Fix that setting Magic packet to power into S5 can not wake up ====== v2.18 ====== 1. Fix the wrong message will show when testing external loopback ====== v2.19 ====== 1. Support Attansic Phy F1 ====== v2.20 ====== 1. Fix the link change wakeup event problem ====== v2.21 ====== 1. Solve RGMII will be set when south bridge is 996L but device is sis190 ====== v2.22 ====== 1. Solve packet lost with Attansic phy. ====== v2.23 ====== 1. Workaround for AUSU motherboard (966+10M/100M PHY) 2. Detected cable is connect or not on Lan19x and exlb19x ====== v2.24 ====== 1. Solve that the result will be pass if cable is unpluged during testing. ====== v2.25 ====== 1. Modify MII test for Realtek PHY RTL8021 (Offest 0x05, bit 10 & bit 11) ====== v2.26 ====== 1. Update ee19x to v1.01, but Diag19x, lan19x and exlb19x are still in v2.25 ====== v2.27 ====== 1. Workaround for 968, and Diag19x, lan19x and exlb19x are in v2.27 for consistence of version ====== v2.28 ====== 1. Solve Media Tyape will show "Cable disconnect" and Auto Config will show "Cable disconnect" ====== v2.29 ====== 1. HW workaround