HP Officejet 5100 Series Additional Information



What’s New in this Release

Minimum System Requirements

Operating Systems

Installation Notes

Additional Information


This document contains hardware and software information about the HP Officejet 5100 Series for Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

What’s New in this Release

Minimum System Requirements

Operating Systems

Supported Windows Operating Systems

Unsupported Windows Operating Systems

The HP Officejet 5100 Series is not supported on Microsoft Windows 95 or on Microsoft Windows NT.

Installation Notes

Install the Software First

You must install the software from this CD before you plug in your HP Officejet 5100 Series. See the Setup Poster for step-by-step installation instructions.

Installing a Different Language Than the Operating System Language

The HP Officejet 5100 Series software installer automatically chooses which language to install based on your operating system language.

To install the software in a different language than your operating system:

  1. Click Cancel when you see the first Officejet 5100 Series installer dialog box.
  2. Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop.
  3. Right-click the CD-ROM drive icon and select another language from the pull-down menu.

Reinstalling the HP Officejet 5100 Series Software on Systems Upgraded to Windows XP

If you have the HP Officejet 5100 Series software installed on your computer and you upgrade to Windows XP, some components of the software may not function properly. To restore full functionality, reinstall the software.

To reinstall the HP Officejet 5100 Series software:

  1. Turn off your HP Officejet 5100 Series All-in-One and unplug the power cord.
  2. From the Start menu, choose Programs, Hewlett Packard.
  3. From the hp officejet 5100 series programs folder, select HP Uninstaller.
  4. Follow the steps on the screen to uninstall the software. You may be prompted to restart your computer.
  5. Once the software has been completely uninstalled, insert the HP Officejet 5100 Series software CD into your CD-ROM drive.
  6. Follow the steps on the screen to install the HP Officejet 5100 Series software for Windows XP.
  7. After you have finished installing the software, plug in the power cord and turn on your HP Officejet 5100 Series All-in-One.

Using the HP Officejet 5100 Series Software on Systems Upgraded from Windows 98, Windows SE, or Windows Me to Windows 2000 or Windows XP

If you have the HP Officejet 5100 Series software installed on your computer and you upgrade from Windows 98, Windows SE, or Windows Me to Windows 2000 or Windows XP, the software will not function properly.

To use the HP Officejet 5100 Series software on a system upgraded from Windows 98, Windows SE, or Windows Me:

  1. Turn off your HP Officejet 5100 Series All-in-One and unplug the power cord.
  2. Upgrade your system from Windows 98, Windows SE, or Windows Me to Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
  3. When you are finished upgrading your system, restart your computer.
  4. After restarting your computer, insert the HP Officejet 5100 Series software CD into your CD-ROM drive.
  5. Click OK to close the HP Officejet 5100 Series dialog box.
  6. Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop.
  7. Double-click the CD-ROM drive icon.
  8. Double-click hpo9xmig.exe and follow the steps on the screen.
  9. After you have finished installing the software, plug in the power cord and turn on your HP Officejet 5100 Series All-in-One.

Installation Error Message

When you are installing the HP Officejet 5100 Series, you may see a message that your system does not meet the minimum system requirements. You can bypass this system check and force the installation to continue, but this is not recommended. If you install the HP Officejet 5100 Series software on a system that does not meet the minimum requirements, the software may run very slowly or behave erratically.

To bypass the installation error message:

  1. When you see the system requirements error message, click OK.
  2. Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop.
  3. Right-click the CD-ROM drive icon and select Install Without Verifying System Requirements from the pull-down menu.

Note: Do not use these steps to try to install this software on an unsupported operating system.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2

Periodically, Microsoft releases Service Packs which contain upgrades and fixes for released operating systems.

If you are using Windows 2000, you must install the Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 to use your HP Officejet 5100 Series All-in-One.

Windows 2000 Service Packs are available from Microsoft at:

Additional Information

Laptop USB Port

Some popular laptops contain low-speed, low-power USB ports. If you plug a high-speed device, such as an HP Officejet 5100 Series All-in-One, into a low-speed, low-power USB port, Microsoft Windows may generate a General Protection Fault. To avoid this, do not plug the HP Officejet 5100 Series directly into these types of laptops. Instead, connect a powered USB hub to the laptop and plug the HP Officejet 5100 Series into the powered USB hub.

Fast User Switching

The Fast User Switching features of Windows XP are not supported while you are printing, scanning, copying or faxing. Wait until these tasks are finished and close any HP All-in-One applications that are open before using Fast User Switching.

Disabling the Automatic Crop Feature

The automatic crop feature sometimes crops more of your scanned image than you might expect. By disabling the automatic crop feature, you can scan the entire image.

To disable the automatic crop feature:

  1. In the Scan Window, choose Scan Settings from the File menu.
    The Scan Settings dialog box appears.
  2. On the Scanning Tab, deselect (uncheck) the Automatically crop image check box.
  3. Click OK.

Note: To turn off the automatic crop feature as the default, use the Settings menu in the Director.

DOS Print Functionality Not Supported

Your HP Officejet 5100 Series does not support printing from DOS, printing from DOS programs, or printing from a DOS box within Windows.

Delay in Displaying Printer Properties

When you click the Properties button in the Print dialog box, you may experience a delay before the Properties dialog box appears. This is normal behavior.

Getting More Information

For more information about your HP Officejet 5100 Series, as well as information about support and software upgrades, go to:

HP Software License Agreement

  1. This License is granted in return for purchase of the associated HP Officejet Series or payment of the appropriate fee as specified by HP.
  2. In return for the above consideration, HP grants a non-exclusive right to use one copy of the Software with any computer connected to an HP Officejet Series.
  3. This License binds the customer who opens this Software package and any transferee authorized pursuant to section 8 below. For purposes of this License:
  4. The Software may not be duplicated or copied except for purposes of archival, backup, error identification, or replacement of defective media. All copies of the Software must bear the copyright and other proprietary notices on or in the original media as well as any restricted-rights legends or in the original media.
  5. This License does not include the right to updates, upgrades, or other enhancements. However, the License does apply to any update, upgrade, or other enhancements if provided by HP.
  6. This License confers no title or ownership in the Software, and confers no rights whatsoever in any associated source code or in any other intellectual property of HP or its third-party supplier(s). This License is not a sale of any rights in the Software.
  7. The Software may not be disassembled, decompiled, decrypted, or reverse engineered unless HP’s prior written consent is either obtained or not required by law. Upon request the user will provide HP with reasonably detailed information regarding any disassembly, decompilation, decryption or reverse engineering.
  8. This License is transferable subject to HP’s prior written consent and payment to HP of any applicable transfer fee(s), and subject to the transferee’s agreement in writing to the terms and conditions of this License. Upon any such transfer, the transferor’s rights under this License will automatically terminate. This License is also binding on any involuntary transferee.
  9. Any third-party supplier of the Software may protect its rights in the Software against violations of this License, including any infringement of the third-party supplier’s copyright(s).
  10. HP may terminate this License upon notice to the user for failure to comply with this License. Immediately upon the termination of the License, the user will destroy or return to HP all copies of the Software, including copies from any adaptation into which such copies are merged (except for individual pieces of user data in a related database).
  11. If the Software is licensed for use by the U.S. government, the user agrees that the Software has been developed entirely at private expense and is delivered as “Commercial Computer Software” as defined in DFARS 252.227-7013 or as “Restricted Computer Software”, as defined in FAR 52.227-19, as appropriate.

Windows® and MS Windows® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Copyright© Hewlett-Packard Co. 2002. This information is subject to change without notice and is provided “as is” with no warranty. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with the use of this material.