Follow these instructions to install the updated HP Photosmart printer driver. 1. From the Windows Start menu, click Programs, Hewlett-Packard, Photosmart Printer 140, 240, 7200, 7600, 7700, 7900, HP Web Update Software. 2. From the "HP Photosmart 140, 240, 7200, 7600, 7700, 7900 Web Update" screen, click "Web Update." 3. From the "HP Photosmart 140, 240, 7200, 7600, 7700, 7900 - Check for Software Update" screen, click "Check Now." 4. From the "HP Photosmart 140, 240, 7200, 7600, 7700, 7900 - Update Available" screen, select from the two available options: * Click "Download the install program and save it to a disk" if you want to install the updated printer driver later. If you select this option, continue with Step 5. * Click "Download and install the newer version right now" if you want to install the updated printer driver now. If you select this option, skip down to Step 8 and continue with the installation. This is the recommended procedure. 5. From the "Save" window, click "Save." HP recommends keeping the default name and location. 6. After the zipped executable file is saved to your computer, a screen will appear with the file name and the location of where it is saved. Write down this information because you will need to locate the file on your hard drive in order to install the updated driver. 7. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to where you saved the zipped executable file and double-click the file. 8. When the "HP Photosmart printer series" dialog box appears, click "Unzip." You can change the settings on this page but HP recommends keeping the default. Write down the file name and location to which the executable file is being unzipped. 9. When the Installation screen appears, click "Remove HP Photosmart printer software." At this time, your computer uninstalls the previous version of the driver. NOTE: If you have uninstalled the printer software after downloading the software package from the Web, exit out of the Installation screen, and connect your printer to your computer if it is not already connected. Proceed to Step 11. 10. Restart your computer if prompted, then connect your printer to your computer if it is not already connected. 11. Wait for the "Add New Hardware Wizard" or the "Found New Hardware Wizard" screens to appear. The screen that appears depends on the operating system running on your computer. 12. In the "Install Hardware Device Drivers" screen, click "Search for a suitable driver for my device," then click "Next." 13. In the "Locate Driver Files" screen, click "Specify a location" (make sure no other check boxes are selected), then click "Next." 14. When the "New Hardware Wizard" screen appears, enter the location of where the file was unzipped, or click the "Browse" button to locate the file, then click "OK." Be sure to use the correct file name and location of where the executable file was unzipped (see Step 8 above). 15. Follow the prompts on the screen to continue with the installation, clicking "Next," "Accept," and "Finish" when appropriate. For more information, see the Software Setup & Product Support booklet that came with your printer. 16. Restart your computer if prompted.