1. Put "UTILITY" folder in Primo's root 2. Open UTILITY\utility.ini and check DirContent= for example: \SDMMC\NNG\Content or \Storage Card\Primo\content or ...) 3. Check ExeName= (iGo.exe or Primo.exe or ...) 4. In Content folder create subfolders: map (if your default are TA maps), map_nt (for NT), map_ot (for other maps) and copy to each folder at least 1 map. 5. For change POI together with maps, set: swpoi=1 and create same folder structure as for maps (poi, poi_nt, poi_ot) Similarly can be configured to switching the following folders: BUILDING (swbuilding=1, folders building_ta, building_nt, building_ot), HISTSPEED (swhistspeed=1, folders histspeed_ta, histspeed_nt, histspeed_ot), PHONEME (swphoneme=1, folders phoneme_ta, phoneme_nt, phoneme_ot). 6. For correct map provider determination please place to each map folder one small file (may be empty, only the name is relevant. Examples are in the folder '_copy_to_the_corresponding_map_folder'): !map_ta.txt - for the TA maps !map_nt.txt - for the Navteq maps !map_ot.txt - for other provider's maps In this case the skin will set the provider correctly during program start and prevent displaying wrong provider that can be caused by possible Mapchanger's fault.