============================ R E L E A S E N O T E S ============================ Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Driver For Windows Vista (Longhorn) 32/64 bit versions Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Broadcom Corporation All rights reserved. Version Feb 22, 2010 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ46108 - Remove Sawtooth Support from 14.0 Driver Impact: None. Version Feb 09, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ45796 - 57781/57765 no link after system resume from S1/S3 mode with SB code. Change: We have an issue in the SB ROM code which require a 10ms delay after seeing the reset signature (~KevT) in Shared Memory 0xB50 to workaround the issue. Impact: None. Version Feb 05, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ45244 - Link Flaps when EEE is enabled on SUT2, but not on SUT1 Cause: Some bits in EeeMode reg are set by default Change: disabled all EEE related bits in EeeMode reg and clear PHY 1000TX/100Base-Tx EEE advertise for Sawtooth if EEE mode is not enable. 2. Problem: CQ45444 - Tx NQS is filtering packets when opcode does match for TCP Payloads. Cause: For element filter Element-Header 4 "Start of TCP/UDP Payload, else IP Payload, else Ethernet Payload", the current driver design will check on both TCP payload and IP payload and filter out the packet if any one of them matches. Change: Make driver's TX NQS filter works like device's RX NQS filter - when packet contains IP payload and TCP payload, driver will examine NQS filter against TCP or UDP payload only. Impact: None. 3. Problem: CQ45666 - 57765x-system hanged when run Diagnostic test at 100MF/100MH with ASF enabled Cause: During MAC loopback test in BACS diagnostic testing, there is a racing condition which causes driver to free a spin lock which is not acquired yet. The deadlock makes system hang. Change: Make code change to prevent driver running into the racing condition. Impact: None. 4. Problem: CQ45662 - ASPEN(BACS): Diagnostics tests are not suspended for Aspen/57761/57781 adapter . Cause: The rx standard consumer index from status block is not correct when the driver is suspended. Change: Force a status block update and stop the hardware to make driver get the most updated index. Impact: None. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ45418 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. 2. Request: CQ45498 - Please add the following OEM 4-part IDs for 57760 platforms in Release 14.0. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. 3. Request: CQ45484 - Sawtooth:b57driver need to add b5724 support. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. 4. Request: CQ45685 - Remove EEE from driver advanced properties for the 14.0 Gold driver Change: Make inf change as request to remove EEE from driver advanced properties. Impact: None. Version Jan 15, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: When upgrading to the EEE enabled driver. Going from version to version 14.0.04A. We could see the EEE property, however both the disable and enable values were missing. After a system reboot, we could see them. Cause: OS can't stick on the default value of EEE property right after driver upgrade. Change: Add a workaround to force OS to stick with EEE default value after driver upgrade. 2. Problem: CQ45268 - 5718: System will link at 1G when put system in S3/S4/S5 mode. Cause: The fix for CQ44614 has assigned real/correct GPHY ID for 5718 copper interface. However it has a falw which makes part of driver code (ex. LM_ForceAutoNegBcm540xPhy()) is not executed and it causes problem. Change: The driver code is executed with new 5718 GPHY ID for copper interface. Impact: None. 3. Problem: CQ44927 - Sawtooth:TCP SYN v4/v6 can't wake up when PM offload enabled. Cause: The address of wake-up pattern has been moved to 0x24000 in Sawtooth. Change: Use the correct address of wake-up pattern for Sawtooth with PM offload firmware v1.07. Impact: None. 4. Problem: CQ45152 - sawtooth: PLLpowerdown and CLKREQ. Cause: This is a A0 hardware issue that is Sawtooth does not allow PLLPowerdown in L1 to be enabled if CLKREQ is also enabled. Change: Workaround by if CLKREQ is not enabled, driver needs to enable device L1 PLLPowerdown. 5. Problem: Driver failed on DTM 1c_kernelcalls test Cause: Driver has incorrectly made a call to DbgBreakPoint() with free version driver. Change: Remove DbgBreakPoint() from free version driver. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ45261 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. 2. Request: CQ45271 - Disable gigabit capability for specific OEM platform. Change: Make inf changes as requested. Impact: None. 3. Request CQ45290 - Update Product_Version String to 15.0.0 for Release 14.0. Change: Change the product version as required. Impact: None. 4. Request 57765/57785 "DMA Read/Write Control Register" access (offset 0x6C) Change: Make change for driver to program bit 21:19 for "DMA Write WaterMark" only. For other bits, let bootcode to control it. Impact: None. 5. Request: Change the Copyright information to include 2010 for all SW modules Change: Change the Copyright information to include 2010 in related files. Version Jan 11, 2010 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Add an advanced property entry to enable EEE for 5717/5718/57765/57785 family devices, and have the setting default to disabled. Impact: None. Version Jan 08, 2010 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ45036 - NDIS Driver BACScli run diagnostic and cable analysis test failed. Cause: The fix of CQ43457 has a bug which doesn't detect pending number of indicated rx packets correctly. Change: The count in IoRef struct should be 2 instead of 1 without pending indicated rx packet. Impact: None. 2. Problem: CQ45009 - Bacscli: BSOD occurs wihle performing PHY loopback on 5704 with latest driver. Cause: During continuous PHY loopback test, Bacscli will pass T3_OID_SET_LINE_SETTINGS to make driver setup GPHY for loopback mode or normal mode repeatedly. In some particular condition, Bacscli may pass the OID to driver for starting PHY loopback test while driver is still servicing the Link Change interrupt for the normal mode requested by Bacscli last time. This makes driver to free up a spinlock which is not acquired yet, and it makes system BSOD. Change: Adding a delay in driver before servicing T3_OID_SET_LINE_SETTINGS to let driver finish the DPC for servicing the link change interupt. Impact: None. 3. Problem: CQ45090 - System gets BSOD (bugcheck 0x7C) while changing speed/duplex to 100M-auto under EEE. Cause: The timer for EEE function to assert LPI (Low Power Idle) is fired due to the link up/down event while driver is going to halt. Change: Cancel the EEE timer when driver is unloaded. Impact: None. 4. Problem: CQ44614 - 5718 Fiber: Flow Control does not work when set to "Auto" in W2K8sp2. Cause: Driver is not using correct PHY address for accessing Serdes GPHY. It makes device unable to get correct Flow Control setting of link partner while doing Auto-Negotiation. Change: Use the correct PHY address while driver is accessing Serdes GPHY. Impact: None. 5. Problem: CQ45110 - The interrupt/sec counter does not go down noticealby with interrupt moderation enabled. Cause: Driver is still using default interrupt coalescing settings when interrupt moderation is disabled. With interrupt moderation enabled, driver has an implementation for dynamic interrupt coalescing which will switch the interrupt coalescing settings from default to alternate when traffic is busy. So under some conditions, driver will stay with default settings with interrupt moderation enabled. This makes the interrupt number look the same when interrupt moderations is disabled. Change: Disable interrupt coalescing completely when interrupt moderation is disabled. Impact: None. 6. Problem: CQ45051 - 5718/57765: Running 1 session cc32 is sluggish. Change: Adjust default interrupt coalescing setting to improve the performance. Impact: None. 7. Problem: CQ45129 - 57765 : Glitchfreedevice test (in WLK NDISTest6.5) failed on Win2K8R2 x64 with MSI-X enabled Cause: Driver doesn't pass RST (Receive Side Throttle) parameter while calling UM_Dpc() from UM_DpcMsi() when MSI-X is enabled. This makes driver's function for indicating Rx packets is not aware that RST is enabled and it indicates all packets it has received and causes test failed. Change: Fix the error to make sure RST paramter is passed to UM_Dpc(). Impact: None. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: EEE LPI is enable only if EEE PHY negotiation success. Impact: The change is for 57765/57785 and 5717/5718 family devices only. 2. Request: Add GPHY Green Mode support for 5717/5718/57765/57785 family devices. Change: Whenever link is at 1G and cable length is less than 10m, driver will enable device GPHY Green Mode for saving power. Version Dec 18, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ44534 - Sawtooth: Need to add ARP/NS offload support Cause: 5718's ARP/NS offload support was missed in the b57nd60a.inf file. Change: 5718's ARP/NS offload support is added in the b57nd60a.inf file. Impact: None. 2. Problem: CQ43457 - specific OEM Management Port w/ NX1 controllers hangs and panics system during SW upgrade Cause: The driver can't be suspended after firmware upgrade because some rx packets never return back to the driver and causes specific OEM's heart beat timer timeout. Change: Return failure status for this case. Impact: Cause FW upgrade program return non-zero exit code. 3. Problem: CQ44866 - 5718: The link speed is 100M when put system to S5 mode with NVRAM WOL enabled. Cause: The link speed should be 10M while system is in S5 with WOL speed set to LSA. However, the additional power-switching operation added for CQ44688 fix in the device reset routine has caused an unexpected reset after Vmain has been removed when system is in S5. Change: Remove the unnecessary power-switching in the driver reset rountine. Impact: It's for NIC design type only not for LOM. 4. Problem: CQ44894 - Switch Flow control doesn't work correctly while system boots into OS Cause: Driver doesn't do GPHY Auto-Negotiation while it's loaded with cable connected. This makes switch (with pause frame setting = AUTO) unable to determine device's pause frame ability when link is up. Change: Make driver to do GPHY Auto-Negotiation while it's loaded with cable connected. Impact: None. 5. Problem: CQ44864 - NDISTest6.5 (WLK1.5) fails with glitchfreedevice test on BCM5787M under Win7 x86 Cause: Driver has an optimization code in DPC for handling rx packets which it will contine to check in a loop to see if there is new incoming rx packet. If there is any new packet coming in, it will continue to indicate rx packets to upper layer. This makes driver indicate packets over the number (per DPC) specified by the RST (Receive Side Throttle) parameters. Change: Disable the optimization code while RST is enabled/running. Impact: None. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ44826 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. 2. Request: Enhanced change for EEE function to prevent link drop during heavy traffic. Impact: The change is for 57765/57785 and 5717/5718 family devices only. Version Dec 05, 2009 ------------------------------ 1. Problem: CQ44688 - Device doesn't switch from Vaux to Vmain while either port is enabled from both ports are diabled. Cause: Driver doesn't switch device power source from Vaux to Vmain while device is disabled and then enabled. Change: Make sure device is on Vmain whenever driver is loaded. Impact: It's for NIC design type only not for LOM. 2. Problem: CQ44702 - The link speed is 100M after system entering S1/S3/S4 mode while Power Management is disabled. Cause: The bootcode set the link speed at 100M when Vmain goes away is due to the wol enable bit is set in the NVRAM. The bootcode will honor the wol enable bit in nvram is due to no wol_signature in shared memory offset 0xd30. Change: Make driver to setup wol signature correctly when wol function is enabled. Impact: None 3. Problem: CQ44692 - Sawtooth: Hyperv-VMQ: BSOD with 7E while assign 8 different VALN ID to GOSes. Cause: It was caused by the assertion of not supporting vlan filter on vmq default queue. Change: Add vmq vlan filter support for default queue. Impact: None 4. Problem: CQ42316 - During Factory X64 download, Active directory scripts are not downloading. Cause: The Netlongon service starts before network is ready. The reason why netowrk is not ready is due to an additional GPHY reset added during code merge for 5785, this extra GPHY reset makes device take longer time to link up while driver is loaded. Change: Make the GPHY reset for 5785 only, not for other devices. Impact: None Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Adding support for 57765/57785 ASIC GPHY ID. Change: GPHY MII reg 0x2 = 0x0362, GPHY MII reg 0x3 = 0x5e40. Impact: None. 2. Enable PM offload for Sawtooth. 3. Support EEE PHY. Version Nov 27, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ44600 - System gets BSOD when run no link load/unload on 5718 Fiber port 2. Cause: The bugcheck code (7c) shows that there is a timer event fired after driver is halted. It is related to timer "AutonegRetryTimer" driver uses for Fiber interface only. Change: Prevent driver from scheduling new timer event when driver is halted. Note: None 2. Problem: CQ44650 - 5718: WOL fail to wake from S3(Standby) and S4 (Hibernate) using Ping. Cause: The wake up patterns are not programmed correctly for 5718. Change: Correct the error to make sure the patterns are saved in the correct place. Note: None 3. Problem: CQ44586 - 5718: System halt (BSOD) while installing driver on specific OEM system. Cause: Driver (for 64-bit OS) will generate 2 DWORD Memory Write while accessing APE Host Registers. However, device does not support Memory Write with 2 DWORD. So device will generate ERROR_NONFATAL message to rootcomplex and set bit_15 (Completer Abort Status) of Uncorrectable Error Status Register (0x104). Change: Prevent driver from generating 2 DWORD Memory Write while working with 64-bit OS. Impact: None 4. Problem: CQ44443 - 5718: When system enters S3, device gets link at 100Mbps while doing WOL negative test. Cause: Driver for dual ports NIC design needs to make handshake before doing power-switching, only one driver instance needs to do the power switching. The current driver code will make twice power switching for NIC, this causes an unexpected reset after Vmain is removed. Then bootcode will be reloaded and configure link speed to 100Mbps instead of powering the device with no link (when WOL is not needed). Change: Make driver to handle power-switching for device with NIC design properly (by using APE Ctrl register 0x08 bits[19:2] for dual-port message exchange). Impact: None. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ44669 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. Version Nov 19, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ44266 - 5761 (with DASH enabled) has low chariot thruput result under WinXP. Cause: The code for NQS (Network Quarantine Service) is incorrectly executed while NQS is disabled in DASH. Change: Make driver to check if NQS is enabled or not before running the code for NQS. Note: None Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ44349, CQ44542 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. 2. Request: CQ44417 - Remove OID_GEN_MEDIA_DUPLEX_STATE code from NX1 NDIS driver Change: Remove OID_GEN_MEDIA_DUPLEX_STATE from driver's supported OIDs list. Impact: None. 3. Request: Add support for 57765 family devices. Change: Merge code from the branch for 57765 family devices. 4. Request: Add support for 5717 family devices. Change: Merge code from the branch for 5717 family devices. Version Oct 27, 2009 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ44219 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. Version Oct 11, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: 57760/57780 fails on FwCfg 1G loopback test. Cause: The GPHY Green Mode is enabled when device is linked at 1G speed and it causes FwCfg unable to receiving packets during loopback test. Change: Make driver not to enable GPHY Green Mode while making external loopback test. Note: None 2. Problem: CQ43851- Device disappears after multiple iterations of copy/compare test on specific OEM system. Cause: Due to design limitations, sometimes L1 exit transition does not cause the serdes pll to resume normal operation. When this happens the LOM will not be able to response to PCIE transaction and may be removed from the PCIE enumeration tree. Change: Implement the workaround to disable Pll Powerdown in L1 by writting 0x7080 to register offset 0x7d54 afer every chip reset. Note: It's for 57760/57780 family devices only. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ44014 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. Version Sep 28, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ43465 : Under network stress test in Windows 2008R2, the LOM will disconnect within 10 minutes. Cause: During ISR, NDIS 6.20 driver calls the NdisMQueueDpcEx function to schedule DPC calls on CPUs. Under rare condition (ex. the CPU serives the interrupt is very busy) and it causes the DPC (scheduled for another CPU) start to run immediately before the ISR finished, this messes driver's count for pending DPC and it causes the interrupt is not enabled anymore. Change: Move the code (calls to NdisMQueueDpcEx) to end of ISR to resolve the race condition. Note: None 2. Problem: WLK1.4 RTM : Plug and Play Driver Test BSOD in Win2k8 R2 IA64 Cause: During PNP test, device will be removed and the memory space (bit_1 of reg 0x04) is cleared. When driver is trying to do register access through address (BAR + register offset), it causes system BSOD with bugcheck code 0x124. Change: Make driver not to touch any register after receiving "Surprise Removal" Event Notification from NDIS. Also make driver to de-register interrupt, cancel timers and free resources in MiniportHaltEx function. Impact: None Enhancements: ============= 1. Request CQ43619 - Update Product_Version String to 14.2.0 for Release 12.4. Change: Change the product version as required. Impact: 2. Request: CQ43834 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. Version Sep 10, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ43026 - b57vista: RSS function doesn't work when enabled. Cause: The structures NDIS_RECEIVE_SCALE_PARAMETERS (specifies the RSS parameters) are different between NDIS 6.20 and earilier then NDIS 6.20. The formats of indirection table are different as well. These make driver doesn't handle OID_GEN_RECEIVE_SCALE_PARAMETERS properly and the device RSS function is not configured correctly. Change: Modify driver code to handle the new structure correctly while compling with Win7 DDK. Note: None Enhancements: ============= 1. Request CQ42957 - NQS Transmit Filter does not filter IP Payload Change: Implement the change as request. Impact: None 2. Request CQ43472 - Disable CQ35234 WAR for specific OEM platform. Change: Make inf change to disable CQ35234 workaround for specific OEM systems. Impact: None Version Aug 06, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Win7 fails GlitchFreeDevice in Ndistest 6.5. Cause: The fix for CQ42470 introduced a code error that makes RST doesn't work properly. Change: Fix the code error. Impact: None. Version Aug 04, 2009 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request Use standardized INF keywords for PM Offload descriptions. Change: Make inf changes to use "ARP offload" and "NS offload" accordingly. Impact: None Version July 31, 2009 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request CQ42903 - Update Product_Version String to 14.1.1 for Release 12.2a. Change: Change the product version as required. Impact: None Version Jul 27, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ42211 - B57Driver is unable to filter packets with NQS (Network Quarantine Service). Cause: Driver is lack of NQS support. Change: Add NQS support in driver to filter out tx packet specified by DASH firmware. Note: The function needs to work with DASH v1.22.0.0 or after and it's for 5761 family devices only. 2. Problem: CQ42470 - System gets blue screen (with bugcheck D1) during sleep stress tests. Cause: When driver is processing RST in DPC and the value returned from NDIS marco "NDIS_CURRENT_PROCESSOR_NUMBER" is larger than RSS rings number, this will cause driver to unexpectedly assign NULL value to another member (called pRxJumboBdVirt) in driver's low device block structure. Then system gets BSOD when driver is running the code with pRxJumboBdVirt when system is resuming from Standby. Change: Ensure RstParam in driver's low device block is never accessed with a subscript that is too large. Impact: None. 3. Problem: CQ42667 - PM Offload doesn't work when it's enabled. Cause: IPv6 Neighbor Advertisement packet is broken with uninitialized TX Mbuf header field. Change: Make driver to zero out TxMBuf from 0x9E80-0x9FFF for PM Offload Firmware. Impact: None. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ42236 workaround - Driver needs to implement the following procedures before any GRC or CPU reset 1. write 0x7d54 with 0x7080 (to disable l1 pll pwrdwn), then 2. do a dummy read of 0x7d54 to flush the write, then 3. issue GRC or CPU reset. Change: Make driver change as requested. Impact: It's for 57760/57780/57790 family devices only. 2. Request: CQ42769 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. Version Jul 13, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ42109 - Win7: 57780 can not do arp respone for a long time with PM offload enable. Cause: The RxMBuf memory size allocated for the CiLai PM Offload firmware to store its data was too small. The firmware data was overflowing into the RxMBuf area used for received packets thus causing a corruption of the firrmware data. Change: Increased RxMbuf memory used by the CiLai PM Offload firmware to store its data. Impact: None. 2. Problem: CQ42223 - Win7 - Flow Control Setting is disabled with the Gold 12.2 Driver. Cause: The inbox driver has disabled the settings per MSFT's request. When upgrading driver , the disabled settings persists, instead of changing to Auto. Change: Make inf change to delete the Flow Control setting and reset the setting to Auto. Impact: None. 3. Problem: CQ42247 - 5761(LOM) : PM offload dies after few iterations Cause: PM Offload firmware was locking/unlocking thw SW arbitration bit during initialization to access the NVRAM. Apparently there was some timing issue with the driver on OEM system during the downloading of the firrmware causing the SW arbitration bit to stay lock thus causing the firmware not to run. Change: Resolution is to remove access to NVRAM since firmware does not need any info from NVRAM. Impact: None. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ39683: Cilai detects Receiver Error when the Link Transition between L0s/L0 Change: workaround: shorten the delay of the electrical idle signal from serdes a. write register 0x7e70 bit [4:0] with 0x0c during device initialization or device reset b. write all ones to register 0x110 (correctable error status). 2. Request: CQ40054: PLL power down common mode voltage glitch on Tx Change: workaround: use low-power transmitter mode during device initialization or device reset changed PCIe SerDes register values to the following a. Register 0x15 in block 0x8610 = 0x47b. b. Register 0x1A in block 0x8010 = 0x4038. 3. Request: CQ41813 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. 4. Request: Add Windows 7 Power Management Offload support for 57760/577805/7790 Change: Support for this new feature is added in this driver version. Impact: The PM Offload firmware is now bound to the driver, so any update will require a driver spin moving forward. Also, PM Offload is not compatible with ASF, so will be disabled if ASF is enabled. 5. Request: CQ42216 - Update friendly name for OEM projects Change: Change device friendly name as request. Impact: None. Version May 28, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ41216 - Win7-NetBIOS name query cannot wake up system Cause: Driver doesn't set "end of wol comparison stream" correctly when pattern size is an odd numer. Change: Make driver to handle pattern size (odd number) correctly. Impact: None. 2. Problem: CQ41352 - BCM5754M fails WOL on ICMP PING test Cause: When pattern size is less than 64 bytes and byte mask is less than 8 byte, driver will try to set "end of wol comparison pattern" at 64 bytes (the minimun ethernet packets) but it never happens. Without setting "end of wol comparison stream", device is unable to detect wol packet correctly. Change: Make driver to set "end of wol comparison pattern" correctly. Impact: None. 3. Problem: CQ41284 - Win7-PM offload test failed -5705 failed to send arp response when system stayed in sleep mode with PM Offload enabled. CQ41280 - Win7- TCP SYN v4 / v6 cannot wake up system, but it works fine when PM offload is disabled. Cause: The 5705 has an errata which prohibits using the internal CPU instruction cache. There is some register contention between the driver and the PM Offload firmware Change: The firmware in this version disables the instruction cache. The driver is changed to load the PM Offload firmware only once power down chip setup is done. Impact: None. 4. Problem: CQ41583 - Win7 PM Offload (both ARP and NS) stops working after 3 responses Cause: The 5761 device was not configured properly for PM Offload. Change: Configured the device properly. Impact: None. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ40123 - Add ability for NX1 driver to determine non-brcm iSCSI boot environment. Change: Implemented iBFT logic to search for iBFT in both ACPI table as well as low memory region. Impact: None. 2. Request: CQ41460 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. Version May 14, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ40338 - IPChecksumOffload Keyword missing in NDIS 6.0 driver. Change: Add the standardized registry key "*IPChecksumOffloadIPv4" in INF files as requested. Impact: None. 2. Problem: CQ41003 - System gets BSOD on NDISTest 6.0 - 1c_registry test Cause: During 1c_registry test, the registry key "RSSRxRing" is set with invalid value and this makes driver's RSS code can't work properly. Change: Adding boundary check to protect driver from using invalid registry key values. Impact: None. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Driver needs to disables L1 PLL power down when Ethernet link is 10 half duplex or 100 half duplex, in additional to disabling CLKREQ. Change: Set bit 7 (L1 PLL Powerdown Disable) of MAC register 0x7d54 for 10H and 100H. 2. Request: Initial RSS V2 support. Version May 04, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ40782 - NDISTest6.5 (WoL and PM) failed on WolWin7Pattern test under Window 7. Cause: Driver is setting END of WOL stream according to (Mask Size * 8), instead of Pattern Length. When the wol pattern length is less than (Mask Size *8), device is unable to recognize the packet as a valid packet and it won't wake up system. Change Make driver to set END of WOL stream according to WOL pattern length. Impact: None. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ40735 - NX1-Need to add PM offload support Windows7's. Change: Make inf change to add ARP & NS PM offload registry keys for devices which support PM Offload. Impact: None. 2. Request: Add support for Windows 7 Receive Side Throttling. Change: Support for this new feature is added in this driver version. Impact: None. Version April 20, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ40017 - DASH: does not show correct driver version in Software Inventory. Cause: There is a problem with the new 4-part NDIS driver versioning scheme (e.g. The existing APE shared memory interface definition only supports 3-part driver version numbers (e.g. 12.0.0). Change: A new field has been created for an 8-bit driver build number (e.g. 12.0.0.n) to be supported. Impact: None 2. Problem: CQ40241 - APE shared memory initialized/updated incorrectly on Vista-x64 and XP-64. Cause: Driver uses function RtlZeroMemory() to initialize APE shared memory while it is loaded. However, the function will make x64 OS to generate invalid "Memory Write" to device when the virtual address (mapped to device APE shared memory) is used as input address. Similiar issue happens when driver is trying to copy message data (eg. date/time) from application/BMAPI to APE shared memory using NdisMoveMemory(). Change: Use other addressing method to make OS generate "Memory Write" with correct data while driver is trying to initialize/update device's APE shared memory. Impact: None 3. Problem: CQ39984 - WinFWUPG (57760 with ATMLH742) after upgrade asf, run "crc" will get checksum failed. Cause: Driver does not handle eeprom page write correctly. When page write crosses the page boundary the data word address will roll over and the previous data will overwritten. Change: Make driver to handle eeprom page write properly so that eeprom is programmed correctly. Impact: None 4. Problem: CQ40503 - 5761/5761s: The LED shows Green in S5 mode when WOL speed set 10Mb and DASH enabled. Cause: Driver doesn't inform DASH firmware WOL speed correctly and this makes DASH set link speed to 10Mbps (eg. Lowest VAUX Link Speed setting in mancfg) when VMain is removed. Change: Driver to update DASH with correct WOL speed in driver's shutdown routine. Impact: None Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ40309 - Change WoL Speed to default to LSA option for OEM Platforms Change: Make inf change as request. Impact: None 2. Request CQ40377 - For Release 12.2, Please Update Product_Version String for NDIS 5.1 and later Drivers to 14.1.0 Change: Change the product version as required. Impact: None 3. Request: Enhance OTP programming reliability. Change: Driver needs to implement the following steps whild doing OTP program. 1) To use external clock for the programming. 2) Try to reprogram OTP bit up to 16 times if the OTP is stuck at 0. 3) Do OTP init command immediately after a OTP write. Version Mar 19, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ40065 - Driver Load/Unload BDOD 0x50 on Vista. Change: Moved 5761 WOL speed processing to the driver's shutdown code path. Impact: None Version Mar 18, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ40001 - OEM is not able to enable Jumbo Frame on the 5715 devices via NCU Change: The application NCU is adding rxmtu registry key when the user enables Jumbo Frame. Driver needs to implement a workaround to accommodate the rxmtu key. Impact; None. Version Mar 16, 2009 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ39405 - Add "Lowest Speed Advertised" equivalent option to Soledad management firmware. Change: Pass the information about WOL Speed to firmware before driver is unloaded. Impact: None. Version Mar 09, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ39796 - doing boot code program in WinFWUpg will show error message. Cause: Driver has incorrect configuration values for EEPROM which makes driver treat EEPROM as a flash device. This make driver can't write correct data into EEPROM and cause checksum error. Change: Correct code error to make driver use correct configuration when EEPROM is used. Impact: None Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Do not write OTP bits if the bits have been set already. Change: Read data from OTP first and then compare the "orignal data" and "data to write", if the bits in "data to write" have set already, driver will skip the OTP write. Impact: None. 2. Request: CQ39715, CQ39767 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. 3. Request: CQ39595 - Disable CQ35234 GPHY workaround for specific OEM systems. Change: Make driver to skip CQ35234 workaround for specific OEM systems. Impact: Without CQ35234 workaround, 5784M/5764M may not assert Wake signal one the first Wake packet received. This happens when device is connected to some particular switches. 4. Request: CQ39628 - Enhance advanced properties to allow the user to define the amount of 'RSS queues' Change: For NX1 RSS capable devices, an option in the driver advanced property will allow the user to change the amount of RSS queues in increments of the power of 2. Impact: None. 5. Request: CQ39839 - Change OEM's INF to hide LSO option for specific 5715 devices. Change: Add hidden registry key to disable LSO option in OEM inf files. Impact: None. 6. Request: CQ39523 - add min/max/default option for Tx + Rx buffers Change: Create an advanced driver option that allows the end user to select three different options for the amount of Tx + Rx buffers based on 2 part ID's. Impact: The change is for NX1 PCI-E based Server chips only: 5721, 5722, 5723 and 5714/15 Version Feb 23, 2009 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Apply CQ37120 workaround "Extended L1 entry time to 4ms" for specific test chip. Chnage: Program reg 0x7d28 with 0x182FFFA for the device. Impact: None 2. Request: CQ39534 - keep original service name in OEM specific inf files. Change: Restore the service name from b57xxx back to q57xxx. Impact: None. 3. Request: Driver needs to do register read at CPMU block (0x36xx) to return the same value twice before returning the read value. Change: Follow the request while handling register read at CPMU block. Impact: The workaround is applied on 57760/57780/57790 only. 4. Request: Set bit 0 in the GPHY Expansion Register 75 to address the Template issue. Change: Make sure bit_0 of expansion register 75 is set during GPHY setup. Impact: This change applys to 57760/57780/57790 only. 5. Request: CQ39644 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. Version Feb 13, 2009 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ39171 - (57760) Execute OOB Management in BACS but screen draw back. Cause: Driver is using incorrect nvram strapping map and programming sequence for the flash device. Change: Use the correct nvram strapping map and programmiing sequence for STM45PE10/STM45PE20. Impact: None Enhancements: ============= 1. Request CQ39443 - Ndis 5.x and 6.0 driver should have product version key set to 14.0.0 in 12.0 Change: Change the product version as required. Impact: None 2. Request CQ39534 - OEM requesting for b57xxx driver starting with release 12.0 Change: Make change on OEM specific inf files as OEM request. Impact: None. 3. Request: CQ38522 - Enable OTP programming capbility for 57760/57780/57790 Change: Implement private OIDs so that application can get access to OTP through BMAPI. Impact: None 4. Request: Enable Jumbo Frame (3K) support for 5761/5761E Change: Make 5761/5761E be able to process Jumb0 Frame packets. Impact: None Version Feb 04, 2009 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ39140 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. Version Feb 02, 2009 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ39100 - Disable L1 ASPM when the connection speed is 10M/100M bps for OEM specific systems. Change: When the link speed is 10M/100Mbps, driver will clear L1 ASPM bit in Link Control Register. Impact: None. 2. Request: CQ39285 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. 3. Request: Add support for Windows 7 Power Management Offload Change: Support for this new feature is added in this driver version. Impact: The PM Offload firmware is now bound to the driver, so any update will require a driver spin moving forward. Also, PM Offload is not compatible with ASF, so will be disabled if ASF is enabled. Version Dec 24, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ36053 - Windiag shows "Device failed to negotiate link after 15sec" during PHY reset test Cause: Some device may generate "Link Status Change" interrupt immediately after powering down GPHY. This causes driver to run LM_SetupPhy() in UM_DPC() for servicing GPHY interrupt, while the application may send another T3_OID_PHY_ON to driver for powering on GPHY. This causes two driver threads to access GPHY at the same time, and it may cause GPHY content programmed with incorrect value. Change: Disable interrupt before powering down GPHY. Impact: None 2. Problem: CQ37900 - Link down issue on some OEM platforms. Cause: The driver did not always start a software timer used to establish link on devices equiped with a Serdes. Change: Always start this timer when appropriate. Impact: None 3. Problem: Remove a lock in HaltAdapter() which caused BSOD reported by MSFT. Cause: Driver was calling NdisMSleep() while holding a spin lock and this causes assertion failed: KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL Change: Make driver not to acquire a spin lock while calling NdisMSleep(). 4. Problem: CQ38082 - 3rd Party Filter Driver with our NXI Device Causes Loss of Connectivity Cause: Some packets were being held by a filter driver. There were insufficient packets available to have our batching logic send them to NDIS when received or to put newly free packets to the chip. Change: Added code to keep from running out of packets. Also if Jumbo Frames are supported, do not batch packets to NDIS or the chip, but process them immediately. Impact: None. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ38142,CQ38351,CQ38505 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. 2. Request: Add support for 57760 A1 device. Change: Make driver to keep all SW A0 workarounds for A1. 3. Request: Add GPHY Green Mode support for 57760. Change: Whenever link is at 1G and cable length is less than 10m, driver will enable device GPHY Green Mode for saving power. 4. Request: Suppress 5761 "PCI Simple Communication Controller" device's yellow bang. Change: Make inf change to hide device (Device ID=0x160A) from Device Manager. 5. Request: Failing to deallocate memory after call to NdisAllocateMemoryWithTagPriority in UM_Initialize. Change: Freeing the allocated memory (for pUmDevice) when UM_SetAdapterRegAttribute() return failure. 6. Request: Bypass IPSEC info in NBLs and the codes if IPSEC offload is not supported. Cause: Driver is trying to handle IPSEC NBL on 5780 which doesn't support ipsec offload and then it causes bugcheck (code 0xD1). Change: Add safe guard code to bypass IPSEC info in NBLs if device doesn't support IPSEC offload. Version Oct 24, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ37690 - System cannot transmit packets by file sharing under Windows2008. Cause: When system is sending packets with LSO and TCP/IP checksum offload enabled, the initial tcp checksum field of packets coming from upper layer is not correct. Driver has a workaround to initialze the tcp checksum field with zero value, but this workaround didn't apply on 5780. Changes: Apply the tcp checksum workaround on 5780. Impact: Resolve CQ37690. 2. Problem: CQ38035 - jumbo frame size is reported differently by 14 compared to actual value for 5703/5704 Cause: Introduced while fixing CQ34267 and CQ33947 Change: Backing out both above CQ fixes. The implementation before these changes was correct, and was also consitant with NXII. The RxMtu the driver exports excludes the Ethernet frame header. Impact: The Jumbo packet size observed on the wire will be larger than the user specified value by 14 bytes, which is the Ethernet header size. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ37512 - Wrong friendly name for 5787M device. - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Correct friendly name and add IDs Impact: Resolve CQ37512. 2. Request: CQ37758 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: Resolve CQ37758. 3. Request: CQ37959 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: None. 4. Request: Adding support for 57760 Change: Modify code to add support for 57760. Impact: None. Version September 29, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: BSOD is seen while running the cable diagnostics Cause: The driver is referencing a data structure which is not initialized for plain Vista (no service pack) Change: Restriced access to this data structure only when it has been initialized properly. Impact: None Version September 22, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ37395 - IPSec offload does not work while configured as ESP Enabled. Cause: Driver doesn't configure IPsec offload capabilities correctly in NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2 structure when "ESP enabled" is selected. Change: Modify driver to report IPsec offload capabilities correctly. Impact: None 2. Problem: CQ37260 ?5785 should not be in b57 driver. It should be in k57. Cause: This device is in the b57 inf for development purposes only. Change: Remove this device from the b57 infs. Impact: None 3. Problem: CQ37241 - B57driver unable to modify OOB settings through BACS3 or Bmcc. Cause: There was a bug in the driver NVRAM access routines. Change: Remove a coding error which could corrupt the NVRAM content. Impact: None 4. Problem: CQ37293 - Ndis 5.x and 6.0 driver should have product version key set to 12.8.0 in 11.7. Cause: Incorrect product version in the infs. Change: Corrected the infs. Impact: None 5. Problem: CQ37185 - b57win:There are a lot of error events in event viewer when loading the b57win driver. Cause: An intermittent hardware error is not handled correctly. Change: Handle the error properly. Impact: None Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Remove SHA_1 (IPSec authentication algorithm) support for 5761S/5761SE. Cause: SHA_1 algorithm is not required. Change: Make driver not advertise the support of SHA_1 algorithm. Impact: None 2. Request: CQ37321 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM. Change: Added IDs Impact: Resolve CQ37321. Version September 4, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ37048 - There are a lot of error events in the system event log when loading the driver. Cause: Driver fails to obtain APE mutex w/ non-5761 devices and then writes an entry to system error log. However, the APE mutex is only available for 5761 and the function should apply to 5761 devices only. Change: Call the function to obtain APE mutex only for 5761 devices. Impact: None. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request CQ37065 - Ndis 5.x and 6.0 driver should have product version key set to 12.8.0 in 11.7 Change: Change the product version as required. Impact: None 2. Request Remove IPSEC support for 5761/5716E for 11.7 Change: Make inf changes to not support IPSEC for 5761/5761E Impact: None. Version Aug 25, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ36482 - 5761E looses net work connectivity after resuming from S3:DTM test Cause: CQ31830 workaround has a bug that it doesn't restore CPMU LinkSpeed1000 register properly when system resuming from sleep. And this workaround was incorrectly applied to 5761/5671E B0 and it causes CQ36482. Change: CQ31830 workaround should be applied for 5761/5761E Ax only because 5761E B0 have already fixed CQ31830. Driver has removed CQ31830 workaround for 5761/5761E B0. Impact: None. 2. Problem: CQ36025 - NIC b5761m shows only 10Mbps speed when system boots from iSCSI boot with BootCode v3.57. Cause: Durinng iscsi boot, driver will do an additional chip resest in driver initialization. But driver does not wait for bootcode completing initialization and it continues to get eeprom info from shared memory. Then driver gets zero value from shared memory and this make driver assign wrong PhyId for 5761 GPHY and program 5761 GPHY incorrectly. Change: Make driver to wait until bootcode finishing initialization while doing additional chip reset. Impact: None. 2. Problem: CQ36161 - Win 7_inbox driver - Per Msft requirement WOL features should not advertised in the Advanced network properties.. Cause: This feature is adverstised in the inf. Change: Updated the inf. Impact: None. 3. Problem: CQ33519 revisited - 5784M-LoopBack(Ext) test Fail Device doesn't get linked and test application can't receive enough packets during the test. Change: Disable Link Speed/Link Aware/Airplane Power Mode and avoid setting PHY trim registers while in external loopback test. Made the change for 5761 as well Impact: None 4. Problem: IPSec related failures with newer DTM Change: Various dode changes to correct the failures. Impact: None 5. Problem: CQ36558 - IBM requesting non-Fiber name for the 5714S (already have 4 part match) Change: Updated the infs. Impact: None Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Added support for Mazama LSI Change: Extensive code changes to support this new device Impact: None. 2. Request: CQ36164 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM Change: Added IDs Impact: Resolve CQ36164. 3. Request: CQ36432 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM Change: Added IDs Impact: Resolve CQ36432. 4. Request: Add 2 part IDs for 5761S/5761SE in 11.7 release Change: Make inf change to add 2 part IDs for 5761S/5761SE. Impact: None 5. Request: Restore IPSEC functionality support for 5761/5761E/5761S/5761SE Change: Changed the infs to enable IPSec. Impact: None 6. Request: OEM requesting non-Fiber name for the 5714S Change: Make inf change to apply OEM's requirement. Impact: None 7. Request: CQ36447 - OEM DT/MB :Add 4 parts ID to Windows driver for Hanks and Paltrow Change: Updated the infs. Impact: None 8. Request: Add support for 5761S Change: Updated the infs. Impact: None 9. Request: Need NVRAM access optimisations for 5761 Change: Performed requested optimisations to minimize NVRAM wear. Impact: None 10. Request: CQ36770 - Add 4 part ID for Eagle DT, ManU Change: Updated the infs. Impact: None Version 10.100.0.B June 26, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: IA64 generic legacy devices are no longer installing Cause: The IA64 generic inf is corrupted Change: Fixed the inf Impact: None Version June 25, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: 35969: DASH - Incorrect CIM_SoftwareIdentity?Network_Controller_Driver values Cause: The NDIS6 driver isn't initializing the SHMEM_HOST_WR->driver_id value correctly Change: Initialize the SHMEM_HOST_WR structure correctly Impact: None 2. Problem: CQ35948: Bad TX performance BX630S2 W2K8 Cause: The Tx code path runs out of credit on some of the processors, so aborts without sending anything. This is occuring because a software timer failed to schedule the DPC responsible for calculating this credit. The DPCs were not scheduled for more than 4 procs on x86 systems, and 8 procs on x64 systems. This driver version fixes this problem Impact: None Version June 24, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ35185 Cause: Please Remove all PCI IDs on the NDIS 5.1 and 6 Driver INF Other Than The Ones Currently Supported. Change: Changed the infs as requested (NDIS6 only) Impact: None Version June 24, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: IPSec offload is still enabled for 5761 devices Cause: Driver still reports IPSec hardware capabilities during initialization. Change: More inf changes to make driver doesn't advertise IPSec suppport. Impact: IPsec offload is no longer available Version June 23, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: IPSec offload is still enabled for 5761 devices Cause: The infs were not changed to disable IPSec. Change: Changed the infs to disable IPSec. Impact: Isec offload is no longer available Version June 19, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ35947 - B5764/B5761/B5784-When setting WOL speed to 10mb system will be come unresponsive and lose link. Cause: The CQ35234 workaround is incorrectly executed when driver is loaded with WOL speed setting as 10mb. There is no problem when WOL speed is set to Lowest, Auto or 100mb. Change: Correct driver's abnormal behavior and make driver to apply the CQ35234 workaround precisely. Impact: None. 2. Problem: 35434 - Win7 Inbox: Please Remove OEM Pnp (product_string) from the driver INF. Cause: Change: Changed the inbox inf as requested. Impact: None. 3. Problem: 35447 - Windows 7 Inbox: Please Make INF Header consistent with NXII Driver INF. Cause: Change: Changed the inbox inf as requested. Impact: None. 4. Problem: 35449 - Windows 7 Inbox: Incorrect "Provider" String under [Version) in Driver INF. Cause: Change: Changed the inbox inf as requested. Impact: None. 5. Problem: 35450 - Windows 7 Inbox: The Default Setting for Flow Control Should be Disabled per MSFT Requirements. Cause: Change: Changed the inbox inf as requested. Impact: None. 6. Problem: 35464 - Windows 7 inbox: Power Management Feature (WOL) Not Disabled in the INF per MSFT Requirement Requirements. Cause: Change: Changed the inbox inf as requested. Impact: None. Version June 10, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ35239 - 5784m stops passing traffic when running copy compare at 10 Mb half duplex and ASPM L1 w/ clkreq. Cause: The clock glitch that occurring with L0->L1->L0 transitions causes device RDMA doesn't work normally. Change: Make driver to disable device's clkreq when linked at 10H or 100H as a workaround. Impact: Resolve CQ35239. 2. Problem: CQ35234 - 5784M/5764M will not assert Wake signal one the first Wake magic packet received. Cause: When device is connected to particular switch with specific PHY at 1G bps, with wol speed set to lowest speed, driver will program GPHY to advertise 10M bps support and restart auto-negotiation while system is going from S0 to S3/S4/S5. In the meantime, 100tx or 1000t idle sent from the link partner can confuse the local 10M bps polarity state machine, which in turn can corrupt the first 10Mbps packet received. Change: Make driver workaround to reset link porlarity state machine and restart auto negotiation. Impact: Resolve CQ35234. 3. Problem: CQ35297 - Soledad GPHY scripts. Cause: GPHY WAR applied to 5784 need to be applied to the 5761 and 5761E. Change: Implemented the WAR. Impact: None. Version May 27, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ35436 - Previous fix for this CQ overwrote some prior bug fixes Cause: Change: Restored the overwritten changes Impact: None. Version May 23, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ34764 - DASH - B5761-B0 failure to wake from an interesting packet and Magic packet when DASH enabled. Cause: DASH behaviors is different with ASF for WOL. So driver need to handle an interesting packet and magic packet like no ASF. Also there was a bug when restoring DASH setting after reset which caused WOL was not enable. Change: handling interesting packet and magic packet as no ASF for DASH. The boot code v3.53 or later are required for this fix. Impact: Resolve CQ34764. 2. Problem: CQ34764 - DASH - B5761-B0 failure to wake from an interesting packet and Magic packet when DASH enabled. Cause: DASH behaviors is different with ASF for WOL. So driver need to handle an interesting packet and magic packet like no ASF. Also there was a bug when restoring DASH setting after reset which caused WOL was not enable. Change: handling interesting packet and magic packet as no ASF for DASH. The boot code v3.53 or later are required for this fix. Impact: Resolve CQ34764. 3. Problem: CQ35436 - add changes for cq35021 and cq35105 to 11.4 branch. Cause: The changes were made to the 11.0b branch for this OEM. The request is to propagate the same changes to the 11.4 (main) branch. Change: Inf changes made. Impact: None. 4. Problem: CQ35315 - WinFwUpg: Fail to upgrade iSCSI firmware in 5761E/5761.. Cause: A programming error in the driver NVRAM routine was causing NVRAM corruption. Change: Corrected the affected routine. Impact: None. 5. Problem: CQ35313 - WinFwUpg: Failed to upgrade PXE firmware in 5761E/5761 Cause: A programming error in the driver NVRAM routine was causing NVRAM corruption. Change: Corrected the affected routine. Impact: None. 6. Problem: CQ35311 - WinFwUpg 5761E/5761 corrupt NVRAM. System restart will fail to boot Cause: A programming error in the driver NVRAM routine was causing NVRAM corruption. Change: Corrected the affected routine. Impact: None. Version May 14, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ34659- ndis6: Remove LSO option in driver property for 5703 and 5704 but not on previous driver Cause: The NDIS6 driver does not implement LSO for these chips, so there is no need to have the option in the driver advanced property page Change: Removed the LSO option from the infs for these chips. This is the second attempt at solving this problem. Impact: None. 2. Problem: CQ35339 - B5761-NDIS6.0 driver upgrade and disable will blue screen with Cause: There is a code error while driver is trying to acquire/release APE GRC reset mutex before/after issueing a device GRC reset. Change: Correct the code error. Impact: Resolve CQ35339. Version May 12, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ34962 - 5784/5764/5761 system compatibility issue on particular OEM system. Cause: When BIOS sets root-complex's and device's Max Payload Size (MPS) to 256 bytes, device's MPS will be incorrectly set to 128 by driver, then device will report ERROR_FATAL and stop DMA when it makes Memory Read and receives completion packets larger than 128 bytes. Change: Make driver to keep device MPS setting during initialization. Impact: Resolve CQ34962. 2. Problem: CQ35105 - INF Service section is incorrect for specific OEM system. Cause: There is a typo in INF Service section for one OEM system. Change: Make inf change to correct services section string. Impact: Resolve CQ35105. 3. Problem: CQ34822 - Network traffic drops after SUT wakes up from S3/S4 while WOL is disabled. Cause: The reason why device doesn't pass traffic after system resuming from S3 (with "Allow computer to turn off xxx" is unchecked) is because the upper layer doesn't use the OID_OFFLOAD_ENCAPSULATION OID to set the task offload encapsulation settings of an underlying miniport, and this makes our driver fails to send certain packets which need driver/device to take care of checksum offload tasks. Change: Make driver to cache/restore the OID_OFFLOAD_ENCAPSULATION parameters across suspend/resume. Impact: Resolve CQ34822. 4. Problem: CQ34959 - Modify NDIS 6.0 driver WoL behaviour when the "allow the computer to turn off the device to save power" box is unchecked Cause: When driver's halt handler is called, driver enables device magic packet wol function according to nvram wol setting. Change: Make driver to take advantage of a HaltAction flag in the halt handler, then driver can use this flag to determine the reason why it's Halt handler is called and behave accordingly. Impact: Resolve CQ34959. 5. Problem: CQ34904 - B57Vista: DASH FW stops responding when the Windows driver is disabled Cause: The MacCtrl register is not programmed correctly when the driver transitions to S3/D3. Change: Program the MacCtrl correctly. Impact: None. 6. Problem: CQ35107 - In BACS enabling ASF and adjusting Speed&Duplex setting at the same will cause link loss Cause: The link detect timer was not restarted after BACS called T3_OID_DIAG_SUSPEND/T3_OID_DIAG_RESUME Change: Restart the link detect timer. Impact: Resolve CQ35107. 7. Problem: CQ35060-FJ - low chariot RX through is observed on the release 11.0b Vista amd64 driver, but not on previous driver Cause: The changes which caused low performance was only for 5788(NON-DAC) and there was a CQ35248 for it. The LM_IsAsicBondId5788 define was not correct which caused 5786 saw the problem. Change: Correct LM_IsAsicBondId5788 define. Impact: Resolve CQ35060. 8. Problem: CQ34659- ndis6: Remove LSO option in driver property for 5703 and 5704 but not on previous driver Cause: The NDIS6 driver does not implement LSO for these chips, so there is no need to have the option in the driver advanced property page Change: Removed the LSO option from the infs for these chips. Impact: None. 9. Problem: CQ34743 - MTU size needs to be 4 bytes larger with Management FW enabled Cause: The MtuSize register needs to be programed with a value larger by 4 bytes. We need this change to allow the firmware to process max size VLAN packets while the driver is running. Change: Increased the MtuSize register by 4 bytes. Impact: No impact. 10. Problem: DASH processor stalls when the driver applies a GRC reset while the DASH processor is also accessing the GRC reset register Cause: A LSI bug is causing this behavior. This driver implements the LSI recommended workaround. Change: The workaround requires the driver to acquire a mutex register before issuing the GRC reset. The driver also waits 10us before releasing the mutex after the GRC reset Impact: DASH firmware 0.96 or later is required for this fix to work. 11. Problem: CQ35248 - OEM system has a RX performance issue w/ 32bit Vista driver v10.62.1.2. Cause: 5788 does not support dual address cycles and it cannot transmit a 64-bit address to a target device. So driver has a workaround to allocate DMA buffers under 4G for 5788. However, the cache type driver using for memory allocation is incorrect and this causes performance drop. Change: Make driver to use correct cache type while doing memory allocation. Impact: Reseolve CQ35248. 12. Problem: CQ33869 - 5704C has poor performance in WinPE 2.0 in a system with > 4 cores Cause: There are some scenarios, we can be asked to send continuously without having a chance to cleaning up the transmitted queue hence we are running out of UM_PACKET. Change: Clean up the tx queue if we see no UM_PACKET in the send path if we see no UM_PACKET instead of giving up Impact: Reseolve CQ33869. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ34665 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM Change: Added IDs Impact: Resolve CQ34665. 2. Request: CQ34272 - Change device reference name for specific OEM system. Change: Change device reference name specified by OEM. Impact: Resolve CQ34272. Version April 24, 2008 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Enable constant 500Khz MDIO interface speed regardless core clock frequency. Change: Change driver to set the enable bit in MII Mode register. Impact: The change applies to devices 5764M/5784M/5723/5761/5761E. 1. Problem: BSOD on IA64 with OEM specific teaming implementation and MMA (no CQ). Cause: There was an infinite loop in the driver's handling of this NDIS OID. Change: Fixed the looping code. Impact: None 2. Problem: The fix for CQ34762 had a bug. Cause: passed a wrong parameter to IsSoledadAbove(). Impact: The fix is required for boot code v3.50. Version April 21, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Ensure private OID buffer is not touched until signature is validated. Cause: Could cause DTM failure if buffer is modified when signature is invalid. Change: Move setting status until after signature is validated. Impact: None Version April 19, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ34762 - The system will casue blue screen when changed the bootcode setting on b5761e-B0. Cause: BSOD if accessing Soledad's PCI FunctionEventMask register. Change: Not touch the register if it is Soledad Impact: None. 2. Problem: 1c_ndisrequestcov may crash on newly added OIDs for new devices. Cause: Buffer size is incorrectly determined. Change: Change the driver to correctly detect the buffer size for affected OIDs. Impact: Fixed the BSOD on 1c_ndisrequestcov. Version April 16, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Request: Fix PreFast warnings on latest DDK Change: Fix PreFast warnings on latest DDK Impact: None Version April 11, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Dash support command line utility is unable to access NVRAM on Vista and W2k8. Cause: APE related OIDs are not advertised to NDIS through the supported OID list. Change: Added APE OIDs to supported OID list. Impact: None. Version Apr 10, 2008 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ34726 - Add 5723 support on all INF files for 11.4 release Change: Make inf change to add 2 part ID for 5723. Impact: None 2. Request: CQ34724 - Add 2 part ID for 5761e, 5761 on 11.4 release Change: Make inf change to add 2 part ID for 5761/5761E. Impact: None Version Apr 09, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ33583 - BSOD issue when Windows 2008 RC1 DDK tool is executed. Cause: 5704s generated hardware exception if Serdes was shutdown and alternate clock was used when going to D3. Change: Don't shutdown Serdes and not switch to alternate clock when going to D3. Impact: Resolve 33583. The change is only applied to 5704s with SubsystemVendorId 0x10cf and SubsystemId 0. 2. Problem: CQ34086 - B5761-A2 fails to wake from an interesting packet Cause: The latest 5761 NIC has a rework which swaps GPIO0 and GPIO2. Change: For 5761 NIC only, swap GPIO0 and GPIO2 while switching adapter to auxiliary power. Impact: Resolve CQ34086. 3. Problem: Need to use new DDK to compile the driver. Change: Use W2k8 RTM 6001.18000 DDK with Microsoft's patch kit to compile the driver Impact: Met Microsoft's requirement. 4. Request: CQ33891 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM Change: Added IDs Impact: Resolve CQ33891. Version ** Inf Update Only ** April 2, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: Revert the default FlowControl setting for SUBSYS_03861014 and SUBSYS_03871014 back to "Auto". Impact: None. Version March 28, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ34467 - OEM system BSOD when running Copy/Compare test on Vista SP1 with 512MB RAM Cause: When system is with 512MB memory only, driver allocates only 64K for LSO coalescing buffer. There is a bug in handling coalescing pool wrapped around condition when 64K LSO coalescing buffer is used. BSOD happens while driver is accessing memory over coalescing pool boundary. Change: Make code change to handle wrapped around condition correctly. Impact: Resolve CQ34467. Version ** Inf Update Only ** March 24, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: The default FlowControl setting for SUBSYS_03861014 and SUBSYS_03871014 should be enable. Cause: OEM request. Change: Delete the old FlowControl key and change the FlowControl default setting to enable. Impact: None. Version March 20, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ34365 - NX1 driver v10.80.0.0 does not let system goto sleep. Cause: IPMI heart beat workaround. Change: Disable IPMI heart beat workaround. Impact: None. Version March 19, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ34280 - q57 driver missing Jumbo params for 5704 Change: Added Jumbo params for 5704. Impact: Resolve CQ34280. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ34305 - Remove Soledad two-part ID's for 11.0b Impact: Resolve CQ34305. 2. Request: CQ34060 - WOL speed and RSS default options are incorrect for OEM system. Change: Make inf changes to have LSA option as the default and RSS enabled for OEM system. 1. Request: CQ34298 - Product version string for 4.4 should be 12.4.0 for NX1 NDIS6.0 and NDIS 5.x. Change: Changed the product version Version March 14, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ32118 - 5715s: Link status is not display correctly on blade servers Cause: This is the same as cq33671. Change: implemented the same fix for cq33671 as NDIS5 driver. Impact: None. 2. Problem: CQ31990 - 5761/5761E Missing EPA support for NDIS 6 amd64 driver Cause: The WOL speed setting for 5761/5761E is set to Auto in previous released driver. Change: Change WOL speed to "Lowest Speed Advertised" for EPA support. Impact: Resolve CQ31990. 3. Problem: CQ34001 - BSOD when VLAN enabled in iSCSI boot in W2k8 Cause: VLAN is not supported for iSCSI boot. Change: This problem is fixed after sync up the code to 10.7. Impact: None. 4. Problem: CQ32759 - BSOD when loading NDIS6 driver on IA64 systems Cause: Bugs in the macros the driver uses for register accesses are causing illegal bus accesses. The macros were also incorrect for x64 platforms. Change: Fixed the macros Impact: None. 5. Problem: CQ34146 - Remove 5723 2 part ID from 11.0b branch upon SW Lockdown Cause: Change: Removed the ID. Impact: None. 6. Problem: Replace the RxMtu keyword with *JumboPacket in OEM specific infs to conform to MSFT guidelines. Cause: Change: Made the replacement Impact: None. 7. Problem: CQ34267 - OID_GEN_MAXIMUM_FRAME_SIZE is returning a value of 1514 after changing default *JumboPacket mtu Cause: Mtu size for Jumbo packets in inf is changed to including Ethernet header. Change: Adjust the Mtu size accordingly. Impact: Resolve CQ34267. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ33581 - NX1: implementing NDIS_ENCAPSULATION_IEEE_802_3_P_AND_Q_IN_OOB Impact: None. 2. Request: CQ33775 - VLAN ID maximum range should be 4094. Change: Limit VLAN ID maximum range to 4094 Impact: Resolve CQ33775. 3. Request: CQ33981 - IPSec offloading option should be removed in driver for release 11.0b. Change: Remove IPSec offload options for 5761/5761E. Impact: There is no IPSec offload support for 5761/5761E in this release. 4. Request: CQ34060 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM Change: Added IDs Impact: Resolve CQ34060. 5. Request: CQ34019/CQ34041 - Disable LSO support for specific OEM system Change: Make inf change to disable LSO for specific OEM system. Impact: Resolve CQ34019/CQ34041 Version February 26, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ33858 - Device loses connection while doing load/unload test. Cause: When driver is unloaded, driver does a GRC Reset. When the link doesn't come back immediately, CPMU will put MAC core clock into slower speed. This makes boot code to be reloaed and executed slower. This also makes driver exceed waiting loop. Finally, GPHY register corrupted because of driver and boot-code racing condition. Change: Change CPMU Clock Policy Registers to increase the Core Clock Speed before issue a GRC reset and restore these registers after boot code has completed initialization. Impact: Resolve CQ33858. 2. Problem: CQ33947 - Change *JumboPacket default MTU size to 1514 Cause: The OEM is requesting that we default our mtu size for *JumboPacket to 1514 and not 1500. Note that our driver has already 'raised' the mtu size to 1514 when it sees 1500 Change: Made the corresponding inf change to raise the default to 1514. 3. Problem: CQ32554 - Need NX1 ia64 driver parameters to comply with MSFT standards for NDIS6 Cause: There is a discrepancy between the MSFT and Broadcom naming convention as applied to the *FlowControl keyword. Change: Changed the BRCM naming convention to match the one MSFT mandates. 4. Problem: CQ32379 - Add 4 ID checking for new HP_BCS ia64 platforms Cause: Add new OEM ID to the IA64 infs. Change: Added new IDs. Version February 22, 2008 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ25155 - 5784M/5764M/5723/5761/5761E implementation of this CQ is done in hardware instead of the software implementation. Cause: New chip requiring different actions. Change: Activate hardware fix for this CQ in driver and not with code in the receive packet processing logic. Impact: New devices have hardware support for this fix that must be activated in the driver. 2. Request: Remove CQ33808 driver workaround for 5784M/5764M/5723. Cause: Change needs to be implemented before driver loads. Change: Remove driver workaround added in previous release. Impact: Bootcode v3.31 & selfboot patch v2.18 have the workaround to fix CQ33808. 3. Request: CQ33925 - add four part IDs for 5764M Cause: New IDs Change: Change appropriate INF files to reflect new four part IDs. Impact: Resolve CQ33925 4. Request: Merge 5761/5761E code from NDIS5.1 driver. Cause: NDIS6 driver must support full capabilities of the chip. Change: Add support for A.P.E. and BMAPI to NDIS6 driver. Impact: Completing support for 5761/5761E. 5. Request: Repair bugs found during 5761/5761E merge from NDIS5.1 driver. Cause: Changes were pended until merge was completed. Change: Have NDIS6 driver initialize 5761/5761E and perform runtime tests for actions required to support the chip the same as done in NDIS5.1 driver. Impact: Support for 5761/5761E NDIS6 and NDIS5.1 drivers is properly synchronized. Version February 15, 2008 ---------------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ33091,CQ33511,CQ33512,CQ32698,CQ33814,CQ33539 - Add new IDs for OEM. Cause: New IDs Change: Add new IDs Impact: Resolve CQ33091,CQ33511,CQ33512,CQ32698,CQ33814,CQ33539. 2. Request: CQ33710 - Set WOLSpeed to LowestSpeedAdvertise for specific OEM EPA enabled systems Change: Change inf files for specific OEM systems. Impact: Resolve CQ33710. Version February 11, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ33808 - BCM5784M: System hangs when user changes Device Property with clkreq enabled. Cause: Issuing a GRC reset with clkreq enabled is causing a global chip reset and PCI-E completion timer timeout. Change: When ClkReq and L0s/L1 ASPM are enabled, driver will clear ClkReq enable bit before doing GRC reset and restore it after GRC reset. Impact: Resolve C33808. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ33328 - Disable RSS by default for specific OEM systems. Change: Change inf files to disable RSS for specific OEM systems. Impact: Resolve CQ33328. 2. Request: Remove CQ33752 driver workaround. Change: Remove driver workaround added in v10.74.0.0 Version February 7, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Small fragments of less than 8 bytes cause transmit DMA failure. Cause: Under investigation. Change: Coalesce transmit buffers before submitting to the chip. Impact: Resolve issue for 5764M/5784M/5723/5761/5761E. Version January 29, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ33564 - BACS MAC loopback test fails when test is running without cable. Cause: Bootcode version after v3.23 has enabled GPHY DLL Auto Power Down by default. When there is no cable, GPHY DLL Auto Power Down starts to work and makes test fail. Change: Change driver to disable GPHY DLL Auto-Power Down when running MAC loopback test and then retore GPHY DLL Auto-Power Down Bit to original value. Impact: Resolve issue and this is for 5764M/5784M/5723 B0 only. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Add GPHY APD and GPHY DLL Auto-Power Down for 5764M/5784M/5723 B0. Change: Driver needs to read the share memory to determine how the GPHY Auto Power Down feature is enabled/disabled by the user. 2. Request: The GPHY workaround needs to be applied with the GPHY DLL Auto-Power Down Bit set. Change: Set GPHY DLL Auto-Power Down Bit before applying GPHY workaround and then restore GPHY DLL Auto-Power Down Bit to original value. Impact: This is for 5764M/5784M/5723 B0 only. Version January 25, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ33519 - 5784M fails at external loopback test fail. Cause: Device doesn't get linked and test application can't receive enough packets during the test. Change: Disable Link Speed/Link Aware/Airplane Power Mode and avoid setting PHY trim registers while in external loopback test. Impact: Resolve CQ33519 Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ33328 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM Change: Added IDs Impact: Resolve CQ33328. 2. Request: Disable Link Speed/Link Aware/Airplane Power Mode while running MAC Loopback Test for 5764M B0. Change: Make driver to disable Link Speed/Link Aware/Airplane Power Mode while running MAC loopback Test. 3. Request: Implement CQ31680/CQ32765 CLKREQ workaround for 5764M/5723 Ax revision. Change: Clear bit_16 of register 0x7d00 and clear bit_29 of register 0x68A4. 4. Request: Enable IPV6 LSO support for 5764M/5784M/5723 Change: Make driver to advertise IPV6 LSO capability for 5764M/5784M/5723. 5. Request: GPHY earl-wake-dac mode must be enabled before MAC 10mb rx only mode is enabled. Change: Whenever driver issues a reset to the GPHY, GPHY early-dac-dac mode will be disabled. Driver needs to disable CPMU 10mb rx only mode before resetting GPHY. Then later driver can re-enable the 10mb rx only mode. It's for 5764M/5784M/5723 B0 only. 6. Request: Implement new GPHY Workaround for 5784M/5764M/5723 B0. Change: Driver reads workaround parameters from OTP Memory and then configures GPHY accordingly. 7. Request: Enable IPV6 RX Checksum Offload for 5764M/5784M/5723 Change: Make driver to advertise IPV6 RX Checksum Offload capability for 5764M/5784M/5723. Version January 11, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: NDIS6 driver fails 1c_ioctlcoverage test. Cause: NDISTest is unable to query the OID : OID_GEN_SUPPORTED_GUIDS. Change: Make driver to report successful status while doing the query. Impact: Passing 1c_ioctlcoverage test. Version January 11, 2008 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ32991 - 5761 fails 1c_registry in ndistest 6.0 (Unable to restart driver after stopping). Cause: 1c_registry test is causing diagnostics code in driver to execute. Change: Remove diagnostics registry key and add code to disable LAP & LSP while doing internal DMA test. Impact: Resolve CQ32991 issue. 2. Problem: CQ32991 - 5761 fails 1c_registry in ndistest 6.0 (test stops at testing *SpeedDuplex). Cause: During 1c_registry test, the registry key *RSS is replaced with random/invalid data and this makes driver unable to be unloaded and 1c_registry can't start the next test *SpeedDuplex. Change: Adding boundary check to protect driver from using invalid registry key values. Impact: Resolve CQ32991 issue. 3. Problem: CQ32886 - Ndis6: SUT locks up when running cable analysis test while passing chariot traffic Cause: System hung while driver was trying to acquire a spin lock in UM_CheckForHang(). Driver was making two continuous main lock acquisitions. The first one came from UM_QueryInformation(), when BACS passed T3_OID_DIAG_SUSPEND to driver during the test. The second one came from UM_CheckForHang(), which was called by NDIS every two seconds. Change: Make driver doesn't acquire main lock in UM_CheckForHang while cable analysis is still running. Impact: Resolve CQ32886 issue. 4. Problem: CQ30853 - Soledad fails 1c_kernelcalls test script Cause: DbgBreakPoint() is used in free build driver Change: Remove DbgBreakPoint() from free build driver Impact: Resolve CQ30853 issue. 5. Problem: CQ30850 - Soledad fails 1c_wmicoverage test script Cause: The WMI method that ndistest is using does NOT return any class derived from Win32_PerfRawData class. It only returns ¡§normal¡¨ WMI classes. However, the WMI class we provided is derived from Win32_PerfRawData class and it's used for graphing driver data to perfmon.exe along with some OS¡¦s provided perf data. Change: Create a registry key to control driiver to enable/disable WMI perf counts. Impact: Resolve CQ30850 issue. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Change the Copyright information to include 2008 for all SW modules Change: Change the Copyright information to include 2008 in related files. 2. Request: Implement driver workaround for 5764M GPHY related issues. Change: Add code changes for the workaround. Version December 21, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ32573 - Failed to resume normal speedlink after power saving mode. Cause: Device has a problem with logic that handles the automatic switching of the burst mode to non-burst mode when the core clock is switching from 62.5MHz to slow clock modes. Change: Disable WDMA Rx Accel mode to workaround this issue. Impact: Resolve CQ32573 issue. 2. Problem: CQ32692 - BSOD in Vista with driver while running common scenario stress Cause: Driver incorrectly cleans 5764M RX return ring producer index during system suspend/resume from sleep. This makes driver get stuck when OS is trying put system into sleep again. While OS is telling driver to put device into D3, driver can't complete IRP (IRP_MJ_POWER / IRP_MN_SET_POWER) and this causes system BSOD with Bug check - DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE. Change: Make driver to behave correctly - not clean 5764M RX return ring producer index during system suspend/resume from sleep. Impact: Resolve CQ32692. 3. Problem: CQ33072 - NDIS6 driver fails infTest in WLK 1.1 Cause: Inf strings under [ParamsNT8021p] section are non-localizable. Change: Replaced hardcoded text with localizable strings. Impact: Resolve CQ33072. 4. Problem: CQ33122 - NDIS6 driver fails 2c_mini6rsssendrecv in Ndistest 6.0 of WLK 1.1 Cause: There is a logical error in code and it makes driver can't disable RSS as ndistest expected while doing RSS disabling test with zero "Hash Function Information" and non-zero "Indirection Table Size". Change: Correct the logical error to make driver disable device RSS function successfully. Impact: Resolve CQ33122. 5. Problem: CQ32886 - Ndis6: SUT locks up when running cable analysis test while passing chariot traffic Cause: NDIS may returns rx packets later under heavy traffic and driver will still insert the returned packets into rx producer ring after state machines have been halted. This make driver falsely think it's missing some rx packets and make driver fall into a waiting loop. Besides, this also causes driver to mess up it's rx producer index. Change: Collect rx packets from producer ring and insert them back to rx free list. Impact: Resolve CQ32886. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ32277, 32378, 32379 - Add 4 part ID support for specific OEM Cause: Added IDs Change: Added IDs Impact: Resolve CQ32277, 32378, 32379 issues. 2. Request: CQs: 32719 - Add 4 part ID for specific OEM. Cause: Change: Resolve CQ32719 3. Request: Add support for 5764M A2 devices. Change: Make driver to keep all SW A0/A1 workarounds for A2 Version November 15, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ32292 - 5906M : Link speed in networking tab of Task Manager is 1G when disconnected Cause: Driver reports incorrect Maximum Link Speed (1G bps) for 5906M. Change: Make driver to report correct Maximum Link Speed (100M bps) for 5906M. Impact: Resolve CQ32292 issue. 2. Problem: CQ32128 - Bacs3: 5755 fails Cable Analysis and causes bacs to hang Cause: Some codes added for debugging purpose makes driver falsely report device hange to OS. Then OS makes calls driver's Um_Reset() to reset device during Cable Analysis test. Change: Remove the codes that is for debugging purpose originally. Impact: Resolve CQ32128 3. Problem: CQ32396 - 5723 - Add 2 part ID support on all INF files Cause: Missing 2 part ID. Change: Added the requested 2 part ID. Impact: Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Add support for 5764M A1 devices. Change: Make driver to keep all SW A0 workarounds for A1 2 Request: Disable Link Speed Mode and Link Aware Mode while running MAC Loopback Test for 5764M A0 & A1. Change: Make driver to disable Link Speed and Link Aware mode while running MAC loopback Test. 3. Request: For CQ31702 - SW needs to Configure LED Mode default to MAC Mode instead of GPHY Mode Change: Configure LED Mode default to MAC Mode for 5764M A0 & A1. Version Nov 01, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ32140 - Ceasar II - Incorrect advertising checksum offlload capability for IPv6 in driver settings. Cause: The original inf has incorrectly advertised 5764M IPv6 checksum offload capability (Rx & Tx enabled). Change: Change inf to advertise correct IPv6 checksum offload capability (TX enabled only) for 5764M. Impact: Resolve CQ31240 issue. Version Oct 29, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement request CQs: 31811,31923 - Add 4 part ID for specific OEM & Enable Estar feature. Cause: Change: Added new ID / Estar functionality Version Oct 11, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ31830 - System hangs when put it into S3 and S4 or disable the adapter with WOL disabled. Cause: When WOL is not needed, driver will power down GPHY for saving power. When GPHY powers down, GPHY DLL stops provinding clock to mac core and this causes memory read completion timeout. Change: Make mac core clock switching before powering down GPHY. Impact: Resolve CQ31830 issue. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ31815 - Blue screen on boot if no network cable attached. Change: Remove codes that enables GPHY APD (Auto Powerdown) in driver. The GPHY APD is now handled by the CPMU when Link Aware is enabled. 2. Request: CQ31619 - 5784M A0 failed DMA Write Engine Lock Up when Link Speed Mode Enabled with 10Mb Traffic and Core clock is 1.5MHz Change: Slow down the core clock to 6.25Mhz in 10mb, Link Aware Mode or 10mb Link Speed Mode for 5784M A0. Version Oct 11, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement request CQs: 31811,31923 - Add 4 part ID for specific OEM & Enable Estar feature. Cause: Change: Added new ID / Estar functionality Version Oct 11, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement request Support for 5761 controllers. Change: Merged 5761 support code from 5761 branch. Merged unified driver support code from 5761 branch. 2. Enhancement request CQs: 31633 - Add 4 part ID for specific OEM & Enable Estar feature. Cause: Change: Added new ID / Estar functionality 3. Enhancement request Support 5784 controllers. Change: Merged 5784 support code from branch. Version September 17, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Bug Fix CG 31393 - Loopback test does not work on the 5722 LOM Cause: CQ 27832 change should not be done when in loopback mode. Change: Avoid setting PHY trim registers when in gigabit loopback mode. Version September 10, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement request CQ 30668 - During INF file verification, a mis-matched labeling in NT services section for a specific OEM was noticed. Cause: Change: Fixed the NT services section in the INF file for a specific OEM. Version September 6, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement request Add 4 part ID for specific OEM / Enable Estar feature for the following CQs: 31104, 30937, 31070, 30668, 31097, 30650, 30652, 31098 , 30666 Cause: Change: Added new ID / Estar functionality 2. Bug Fix: CQ 31277 - Bus type was reported as PCI-X instead of PCI-E for certain adapters. Cause: The code path reading PCI bus capability was not correct for certain adapters. Change: corrected the code path logic to read the correct PCI bus capability. Version 10.60 August 30, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ28879 - The issue manifests itself as a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) blue screen during system reboot. Cause: In vista, TCP could make call into the miniport after driver's shutdown routine had been called (as a result of shutting down the system) in certain edge cases. This happens if a TCP internal timer expired after (or at about the same time) the driver's shutdown got called. Change: Changed the driver's OID handler to detect if it's safe to touch the hardware by taking into the shutdown state into account. Version August xx, 2007 --------------------------------- 1. Bug Fix CQ31091: Some INFs for NDIS 6 Using Incorrect Registry Value for 1 Gb Full Setting Cause: Non-contigious values in NDIS6 implementation Fix: Changed three '5's to '6' in INF files Version August 20, 2007 --------------------------------- 1. Enhancement CQ29991 Allow selection of 1Gbps full duplex Cause: Change in mappings with NDIS 6 doesn't allow NDIS 5 implementation to work. Change: Changed all 8200 to 6 (1Gbps Full Duplex) in infs. Change driver to map NDIS 6 value of 6 to 8200 (0x2008), our internal value. Version August 17, 2007 --------------------------------- 1. Bug fix CQ30935: Rx/Tx performance is low when testing in chariot setup with one/two/three endpoints on some OEM platforms Cause: Enabling RSS actually reduces performance in some scenario. This is seen for example during performance tests with only a few TCP connections. This is also seen on competing products. Change: The previous fix removed support for RSS completely for some platforms which is not desired. In this version, RSS is only disabled, and can be re-enabled if needed. 2. Bug Fix CQ31064: Unable to select 10/100Mbps speeds for 5714c & 5703c chips Cause: Non-sequential numbers in ParamsC registry key Change: Numbers resequenced. Version August 13, 2007 --------------------------------- 1. Enhancement CQ29991 - Changed media type from 8 to 8200 to be consistent with previous values. Eliminate registry key deletion. 2. Bug Fix Remove HKR,,RequestedMediaType under [DelReg.ParamsC] section. Added Missing MSI supported entries. Version August 8, 2007 --------------------------------- 1. Enhancement CQ29991 - Need the option to limit Auto-Negotiation speed to 1 Gig. Change: Added feature for requested two part IDs 2. Enhancement CQ30180 - Add new part Change: Added new part for specific OEM 3. Enhancement CQ30832 - Inhibit behavior for specific OEM part Change: Changed inf to set flag to zero to inhibit behavior in driver Version July 22, 2007 --------------------------------- 1. Enhancement CQ30670 - disable LowPower mode for a requested 4part ID, when WOL is disabled and ASF is not present. Cause: For the 5787M, when ASF is not present and WOL is disabled, on entering S3, driver will allow bootcode to put the LOM into IDDQ LowPower Mode. An OEM request that IDDQ LowPwr mode be disabled for one selected platform. Change: Prevent the bootcode from putting our LOM into IDDQ LowPwr mode on entering S3 for the requested platform. Version July 18, 2007 --------------------------------- 1. Bug fix CQ30595 Enable EPA for some existing 4part IDs (one device does not have EPA applied properly) Cause: Change: Enabled missing EPA functionality Version July 17, 2007 --------------------------------- 1. Bug fix CQ29823: Rx/Tx performance is low when testing in chariot setup with one/two/three endpoints on some OEM platforms Cause: Enabling RSS actually reduces performance in some scenario. This is seen for example during performance tests with only a few TCP connections. This is also seen on competing products. Change: The previous fix removed support for RSS completely for some platforms which is not desired. In this version, RSS is only disabled, and can be re-enabled if needed. 2. Bug fix CQ30595 Enable EPA for some existing 4part IDs Cause: Change: EPA enabled Version July 13, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement request CG30337 - submit files missed on Version July 12, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement request CQ30434: Add 4 part ID for new 5787M OEM system Cause: Change: Added the new ID 2. Bug fix CQ29823: Rx/Tx performance is low when testing in chariot setup with one/two/three endpoints on some OEM platforms Cause: Enabling RSS actually reduces performance in some scenario. This is seen for example during performance tests with only a few TCP connections. This is also seen on competing products. Change: Disabled RSS on some platforms where RSS is unlikely to be useful. 3. Bug fix CG29916: Disable hardware fix that causes MAC loopback test to fail frequently when tested at 10Mbps (full or half duplex). 4. Enhancement request CQ30337: Add 4 part IDs for NC7781 & NC7782 Change: Added the new IDs 5. Bug Fix CQ29927: Machine appears to freeze for several seconds when driver loads. Cause: Trying to allocate 640KB for LSO coalesce buffers can fail and retrying by reducing each attempt by 64KB will give the appearance that the system is not running properly. Change: Added code to determine amount of memory installed in the system and made available to Windows. If the largest block exceeds 512MB, allow request to be for the full 640KB, otherwise only request 64KB. Version June 28, 2007 ---------------------------------------- Bug Fix CQ29862 - INF update - A dd 4part ID for a specific OEM Cause: Change: Added the new ID Version June 8, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Bug Fix CQ29868 Vista x86 fails chkinf test in DTM Cause: Change: Fixed typo in the inf. Version June 6, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Bug Fix CQ29810 - 5756ME Missing RSS, IPv6 Checksum Offload and IPv4/IPv6 LSO v2 in NDIS 6 drivers Cause: Change: Restored the RSS, IPV6 and offload capability for this device 2. Bug Fix CQ29837 , 29835 - INF update - A dd 4part ID for a specific OEM Cause: Change: Added the new ID 3 . Bug Fix CQ29832 While upgrading from inbox driver to 4 part ID match, we discovered that CO for IPV6 and LSO-V2 for IPV4 are missing for the following devices. 5754 - 167A 5755M - 1673 5756M - 1674 5754M - 1672 5787 -169b Cause: Change: Added the missing functionality Version June 5, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Bug Fix CQ29255 5704 fails 2c_offloadlargesend test Cause: fw_tcpseg.h was checked into VSS and not PerForce. Change: Copy fw_tcpseg.h to PerForce projects for NDIS3-5 and NDIS6. Version 10.42.0 June 4, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Bug fix CQ29405 Upgrading from Vista inbox driver to 10.4 release shows un-wanted parameters in advanced properties Cause: More issues to fix Change: Fixed the reported missing implementation 2. Enhancement request CQ28488 PnP product_version entry needs to be greater than current umbrella version Cause: Change: Changed Release ID tp 10.5.0 Version June 1, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Bug fix CQ29193 Enable EPA feature to support link negotiation for WoL to the lowest advertised speed ( ie first 10 MBPS then 100 MPBS ) Cause: Incomplete implementation Change: Fixed the reported missing implementation 2. Enhancement Request CQ29625 2-part ID Match for 5756ME Missing from INF for NDIS 4/5/5.1/6 Cause: Change: Added new ID 3. Enhancement Request CQ 29677 add 4 part ID for new 5787M with NVIDIA chipset MCP73PV for release 10.4c Cause: Change: Added new ID 4. Bug fix CQ29405 upgrading from Vista inbox driver to 10.4 release shows un-wanted parameters in advanced properties Cause: Incomplete implementation Change: Fixed the reported missing implementation 5. Bug fix CQ29152 NDIS6.0 - Enable the EPA feature for FJ 5906M 4part ID Cause: Incomplete implementation Change: Fixed the reported missing implementation Version May 22, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Bug fix CQ29484 HP_WS: 10 Mbps WoL EPA Enhancement. Missing Msi support Cause: Change: Added Added Msi support Version May 22, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request Add support for 5787 parts Cause: Change: Added support for 5787 parts Version May 18, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request CQ29405 upgrading from Vista inbox driver to 10.4 release shows un-wanted parameters in advanced properties Cause: Change: Added the OEM suggested DelReg keys 2. Enhancement Request CQ29410,CQ29314 Add OEM 4 part ID Cause: Change: Added OEM 4 part ID 2. Enhancement Request CQ29484 HP_WS: 10 Mbps WoL EPA Enhancement Cause: Change: Enabled EPA for 4-part ID 4. Enhancement Request CQ29193 Enable EPA feature to support link negotiation for WoL to the lowest advertised speed ( ie first 10 MBPS then 100 MPBS ) Cause: Change: Enabled EPA for 2-part IDs Version May 8, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request CQ29347 Add OEM 4 part ID Cause: Change: Added OEM 4 part ID Version May 021, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request CQ29344 - BugCheck 0x9c on IA64 system when installing the driver on a 5703. Cause: ASPM Code was being executed on devices that did not support ASPM. Change: Modified the driver to never enable ASPM on devices that do not support ASPM. Version May 01, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request Enable EPA EnergyStar feature for requested devices. Cause: OEM Request. Change: Modified inf file to enable EPA EnergyStar feature. Version April 30, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request Enable EPA EnergyStar feature for requested devices. Cause: OEM Request. Change: Modified inf file to enable EPA EnergyStar feature. Version April 30, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ29164, CQ29187 - System hang during driver unload on 5703/5704. Cause: ASPM code was being executed on devices that did not support ASPM due to typo. Change: Removed typo. Version April 27, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request Enable EPA EnergyStar feature for requested devices. Cause: OEM Request. Change: Modified inf file to enable EPA EnergyStar feature. Version April 18, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem CQ29049 CRC error on 5703 Long Horn driver v10.10 on WinVistaX86 Cause: 5703 specific PHY setup code is not getting executed in all cases and a bad AUT is being used. change: Change the driver to execute 5703 specific code correctly and destroy the bad AUT. Version April 13, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request CQ28488 PnP product_version entry needs to be greater than current umbrella version CQ27950 Need to add registry key for OEM PnP Install Support Cause: OEM has requested a new registry entry to facilitate installation change: Added product_version key in service section with a version of 10.4 2. Enhancement Request CQ29103 Add Thruman 4 part ID on 10.4 project Cause: OEM has requested the addition of a 4 part ID change: Added the requested 4 part ID 3. Problem: CQ29148 INF check failure. Cause: A typo in the x64 version INF file. change: Fixed the typo. Version April 06, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ28745 - Phy Loopback failed in SR71 Blade Server 5906m LOM when cable is not present Cause: LM_SetupSnowLoopback() is resetting the PHY at the start of the loopback test. This reset was removed from the NDIS5.1 code base in the past, but not from the NDIS6 code base. Change: Removed the spurious PHY reset in LM_SetupSnowLoopback(). Impact: None. 2. Problem: CQ28192 - Sending large pings leads to long round trip times on 5788. Cause: The interrupt service routine was not handling this device properly. Change: Modified the interrupt service routine to handle the 5788 correctly. Impact: None. 3. Enhancement Request: CQ28816 Add "L1 ASPM debounce" feature. Cause: There is an interoperability issue between the Broadcom LAN controllers and the Intel ICH7/8 that may cause the Rx-performance at 100 Mbps to be lower then expected when L1 ASPM is enabled along with system CPU C3E, or C4, or C4E or higher state. Change: Along with the device driver change here, that will drive the PCI-E link less aggressively into L1 ASPM during network stress, the user must enable the feature by setting a configurable option inside the LAN controllers NVRAM. Impact: There is no known impact from enabling this feature. As a matter of fact, enabling this feature will increase the power savings in case the system has disabled 'L1 ASPM' due to the interoperability issue described above. Version March 07, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: Apply EPA settings to certain OEM designs. Please refer to amended CQ28493,28495 descriptions Cause: OEM request. Change: Applied EPA settings to affected OEM platforms. Impact: Resolve requested Enhancement Request. 2. Enhancement Request: Add PCI 4 part Device ID to OEM specific INF installation files. Please refer to CQ28493,28495, 28505, 28506. Cause: OEM request. Change: Added new 4 part OEM PCI ID support in OEM specific NDIS INF files. Impact: Resolve requested Enhancement Request. 3. Enhancement Request: Add PCI 4 part Device ID to OEM specific INF installation files. Please refer to CQ28506. Cause: OEM request. Change: Added new 4 part OEM PCI ID support in OEM specific NDIS INF files. Impact: Resolve requested Enhancement Request. 4. Problem: Fixed minor errors in implementing fix for CQ28493 and CQ28506. Cause: Wrong friendly name, and missing registry keys. Change: Fixed the friendly name (CQ28506), and added the requested registry key (CQ28493). Impact: None. 5. Problem: CQ28458 - System hang when running BACS/Diagnostics Test Cause: There is a potential for a race condition to occur between the LAN controller's Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) and its scheduled Deferred Procedure Call (DPC) when running the Broadcom Diagnostics utility (BACS). The affected code segment responsible for the problem is only executed when running BACS. Due to the fact that this issue requires a very specific timing between the ISR and the DPC this problem it is rather intermittent, or may not surface at all on particular systems. Nevertheless, when this condition occurs an ISR-storm gets triggered what will cause the LAN controller to saturate the system CPU and hang the system. Change: Modified specific code segments inside the device driver that get executed when running BACS in order to not enable interrupts inside the LAN controller twice what will prevent ISR-storms to occur. Impact: All BRCM chips are affected by the problem equally. There are no known side effects from fixing this issue. 6. Problem: 5755/5756 Bugcheck D1 on LH Server with 8 or more CPUs if RSS is enabled. Cause: The driver doesn't always calculate the correct receive ring index in the case of system's number of CPUs is greater than the number of receive rings. Change: Modified specific code segments so that the driver can correctly calculate the receive ring number. Impact: There is no known side effect from fixing this issue. Version 10.32 Feb 08, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ28412 - Low power mode in 5755M does not work under Vista. Cause: The Ndis driver was halting the embedded cpu when Wake Up Frame is enabled when the driver is being unloaded. Change: Modified the Ndis driver to only halt the embedded cpu when the system is transitioning to S3/S4 and Wake Up Frame is enabled. Impact: None. 2. Enhancement Request: CQ28429 Add PCI 4 part Device ID to OEM specific INF installation files. Cause: OEM request. Change: Added new 4 part OEM PCI ID support in OEM specific NDIS INF files. Impact: Resolve CQ28429 Enhancement Request. Version 10.31 Feb 01, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ28164 - 5721/5751/5752 fails phy loopback test. Cause: Change for CQ26645 is not compatable with phy loopback mode. Change: Modified the phy loopback code to disable Auto-Mdix when phy loopback is enabled. Impact: None. 2. Problem: When the ndis driver loads on a 5755M, 5787M or 5752M with the cable unplugged. The GPHY DLL was not being powered down. Cause: Corner case in the GPHY DLL power down code. Change: Corrected GPHY DLL power down code to properly handle the corner case. Impact: None. 3. Problem: LH-6001 checked build assert. Cause: Corner case in the failure of allocating shared memory for coalescing pool. Change: Freed allocated resources when OS failed to return shared memory at initialization. Impact: None. 4. Problem: PreFast warnings (DDK 6000). Cause: DDK 6000 introduces new PF warnings. Change: Suppress some of warnings. No CODE change. Impact: None. 5. Problem: Add support for OEM platforms. Cause: Please refer to CQ#28081 for details. Change: Added PNP IDs to inf files. Impact: None. Version 10.30 January 12, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Add support for 5756ME and 5722 devices. Cause: Please refer to MRD for details. Change: Added PNP IDs to inf files. Impact: None. Version 10.8b ** Inf Update Only ** January 9, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ#27306 - Adding WOL support for 5715S, for Tyan S3997, 5715S A3. Cause: WakeOnTbi should be applied to BCM5714SWol install section. Change: Change the WOL option from ParamsWoL to ParamWakeOnTbi in the BCM5714SWol install section of the inf files. Impact: None. Version 10.8a ** Inf Update Only ** January 8, 2007 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ28059 Missing friendly strings in inf file. Cause: Changes ported over from release 9.7 were not complete. Change: Added missing friendly strings into the inf file. Impact: None. Version 10.8 December 18, 2006 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ27896 System CPU busy after finishing CPU test in BACS. Cause: The driver clears the status tag in host memory whem resuming the driver. This causes problem if MSI is active because MSI will not de-assert if the latest tag is not written to interrupt mailbox to ack the interrupt. The re-generated MSI interrupt doesn't associate with a status block update. One-shot MSI implemented on newer chips would solve this problem but it's not available to older PCIe chips. Change: Modify the driver not to clear the status tag after finishing diagnose. Impact: None. Version 10.7 December 14, 2006 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ27776 5906 intermittently fails BACS Phy Loopback test. Cause: The 5906 phy auto-mdix feature needs to be disabled during phy loopback test. Change: Modified the ndis driver to disable auto-mdix during phy loopback on 5906. Impact: None. 2. Problem: CQ27874 5906 -remove LSO support from sys and INF file (just like for 5906m) Cause: Refer to the CQ for more information Change: Modified the ndis driver and inf file to not report this feature to the operating system during ndis driver initialization. Impact: None. 3. Problem: CQ27832 5755M failing IEEE compliance on certain OEM platforms. Cause: The phy trim registers needed to be modified by the ndis device driver. Change: Modified the ndis driver to program the phy trim registers per recommendation from phy engineering team. Impact: None. 4. Problem: CQ#27795 remove "interrupt moderation" from "advanced driver properties" for OEM platforms. Cause: Refer to the CQ27795 for more information Change: For affected platforms, we want to hide the "interrupt moderation" option inside the driver advanced properties. Impact: None. Version 10.6 December 8, 2006 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ27759 5906 fails WHQL packet filter test. Cause: The 5906 uses a different mechanism to filter broadcast packets from previous controllers. Change: Modified the ndis driver to properly filter broadcast packets on 5906. Impact: None. Version 10.5 December 4, 2006 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ#27413 - implement restrictive AutoNeg in NDIS6 driver. Cause: The feature hasn't been populated from the NDIS5x driver because MSFT make the auto neg standardized keyword. Change: Modify driver translated non-standardized values to recognize restrictive auto negotiation settings. Impact: None. 2. Problem: Low throughput performance on DosXX-5906M with ASPM enabled. Change: The low performance we are seeing is due to a design flaw in the ASIC. This flaw causes the PCI-e latency during DMA transfer to become unecessarily large, and leads to a lower throughput. The only way to get around this problem, is to coalesce every tx packets for the the 5906, which this Windows driver version does. Impact: Possibly higher CPU utilization with this version. 3. Problem: Adding WOL support for 5715S, for Tyan S3997, 5715S A3 Change: Added an entry for this device in the generic win32 and x64 infs. Impact: None. 4. Problem: CQ#27722 - new 4 part ID support for oem platforms. Change: INF update. Impact: None. Version 10.4 November 27, 2006 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ00027621 - Cannot Select Box to Allow AUT to wake up Computer in Pwr Mgmt Tab with NDIS 6 v10.3. Cause: In the v10.3 release, there is a requirement to remove certain advanced settings for some oem platforms, hence the driver's inf was changed to remove some registry settings before starting up the installation in order to clean up the registry keys. However, the OS installer seems to defer deleting registry at a point after these keys were re-populated back to the HKR location. Hence, the driver would not be able to read the settings. Change: Limited the keys to delete for the affected OEM platforms, only delete keys that are not used by the affected OEM platforms. Impact: None. Version 10.3 November 22, 2006 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Need to clean up stale registry keys left by the inbox driver. Cause: For certain new devices, the inbox driver does generic 2-part matching during installation. For such new devices, the generic 2-part installation section contains advanced features and settings which is not required by some OEMs for their new platforms. In these new platforms, 4-Part ID is used to specify the installation section with simplified settings which contains less configurable parameters in the advanced pages. However, the upgrade driver process does not clean up the advanced settings left by the inbox driver hence those undesired settings still accessible through the advanced property page. Change: Delete all advanced settings before install or upgrade driver. Impact: None. 2. Problem: None cause: None. Changes: Integrated changes from ndis5x driver from v10.19 to v10.20. The changes are described below (Problem 3,4,5). Impact: none. 3. Problem: CQ27551, CQ27500, CQ27498 EnergyStar WOL feature does not work. Cause: The code for did not configure the phy properly when dropping the feature was enabled. Change: Corrected the EnergyStar feature to configure the phy correctly. Impact: None. 4. Problem: CQ27588, EnergyStar feature should be enabled by default for devices that require the feature. Cause: Feature request. Change: Changed the default behavior to enabled for devices that require the feature. Impact: None. 5. Problem: CQ27536, Remove Large Send Offload feature from 5906M. Cause: Feature request. Change: Removed Large Send Offload feature from 5906M. Impact: None. Version Nov 16, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Need to apply EPA setting on certain OEM platforms. Cause: Enhancement request please refer to CQ#27190. Change: Applied EPA setting on certain OEM platforms. Impact: none. 2. Enhancement Request: CQ#27410 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#27410 Enhancement Request. 3. Problem: None cause: None. Changes: Integrated changes from ndis5x driver from v10.16 to v10.19 excluding iSCSI boot and 5906 lso/clkreq related changes. Impact: none. Version Nov 09, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ#27231 Network Address property is displayed twice in Advanced Tab of Network Properties with the latest driver 9.34 on only 5703. The problem is not seen with the In-box driver, v 9.20.03 and not seen on 5755, 5705, 5714, 5751. Cause: A bug in the INF file that doesn't clean up stale registry keys for certain devices. Change: Modify the INFs to clean up registry keys before installation. Impact: Resolve CQ#27231. 2. Problem: 5705 NDIStestv6.5 RC_2 DTM LSO test failure. Cause: The cert test failed at packet size = 7268B MSS=904 at 10M/H. Fix for CQ27281,27241,27280 introduced a bug that long burst mode is mistakenly enabled for 5705 device when it's configured at 10M/H 6.25mhz core clock which will cause RDMA read FIFO overrun. Change: 1. Do not enable long burst for 5705 in the GPHY power down code introduced in the GPHY power down fix. 2. Set RDMA mode to "FIFO available" when the device is on 6.25 mhz core clock. Impact: Fixed cert failure. Version Nov 02, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#27190 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#27190 Enhancement Request. Version Nov 02, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#27248 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#27248 Enhancement Request. 2. Problem: CQ27281 link down after reboot with Vista Drivers on OEM system - Unable to resume and pass traffic when the 5752M, 5755M or 5787M is initialized with the Ethernet cable Unplugged and subsequently plugged in after driver has Finished initialization. Cause: Similar to CQ27241, CQ27280 in NDIS5x drivers, A coding error in the power saving enhancement for 5752M, 5755M and 5787M controllers was powering down the GPHY DLL during controller initialization. Change: Modified the Ndis driver to not power down the GPHY DLL during controller initialization. Impact: Resolve CQ27281. 3. Enhancement Request: CQ27259 Add support to fallback to lowest advertised link speed for S3/S4. Cause: New feature request. Change: Added WOL speed configuration option. Added peer link partner capabilities check if fallback is enabled. Impact: Resolve CQ27259 Enhancement Request. 4. Problem: None cause: None. Changes: Integrated changes from ndis5x driver from v10.11c to v10.15. Impact: none. Version Oct 30, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Change: Restore IDs for 5906, 5906M which had been removed from v9.33. Impact: none. Version Oct 25, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ#27253 - NDIS6: 1c_mini6send test script failure CQ#27221 - Interface hangs while running NSlicer and Netperf at the same time cause: A coding error was introduced in v9.33 that UP code gets executed on MP system. Change: Fixed the typo to make sure MP system is correctly detected and setup. Impact: none. Version Oct 23, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ#27167 - wake up capabilities settings set to magic packet only will not show link when system is in sleep state cause: OS doesn't behave right when MAGIC WOL is enabled alone. Change: Over-advertised WOL caps. Impact: none. 2. Problem: PCIe link gets reset upon system crash which is not desirable. cause: Upon system crash, the driver reset the PCIe link along with the MAC core which causes other bugchecks. Change: Don't reset PCIe link for PCIe devices upon bugcheck. Impact: none. Version Oct 20, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ#26855 - NDIS 6: 2c_oidsndisrequest and Stats test script failed. cause: The MAC doesn't collect UC/MC/BC byte status. Change: Add code in the driver to collect UC/MC/BC byte counts in both send and receive path. Impact: May have minor performance impact. 2. Problem: CQ#26857 - NDIS 6: 1c_mini6rssoids test script failed. cause: The new test kit requires driver to verify RSS settings. Change: Add code to verify RSS settings before applying. Impact: none. 3. Enhancement Request: CQ#27184 - Remove support for 5906, 5906m, 5722 and 5756ME for NDIS 6.0 RC driver for 9.7v. Cause: This is a requirement for R9.7. Change: Remove device IDs: 1712,1713,1674. Impact: None. Version Oct 12, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ#27003 - Remove DbgBreakPoint calls in NDIS6 v9.31 driver. cause: A hardcoded breakpoint was left in free build causing DTM failure. Change: Removed the hardcoded BP. Impact: none. 2. Enhancement Request: CQ#27025 - Vista driver do not have vlan tagging support. Cause: In Windows Vista, Microsoft states the only correct way to support VLAN is using IM driver to set VLAN ID in NBL OOB. After discussed with MSFT, we added the VLAN ID registry setting as a temporarily solution for customers who want to support VLAN without an IM driver. Change: Added editable keyword "VLAN ID" in INF. Driver tags packets according to the current 801.1P/Q and VLAN ID settings. Impact: None. 3. Enhancement Request: CQ#26977 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#26977 Enhancement Request. 4. Problem: CQ#27045 - NDIS6 driver should specify its physical medium as NdisPhysicalMedium802_3. cause: New requirement in latest DTM. Change: Changed to report 802.3 as medium type at initialization. Impact: none. 5. Problem: CQ#27100 Vista - Network address does not work. DUT only shows permanent MAC. cause: The registry key controlling the LAA is not up to the latest WDK document and OS. The ndis function to read the LLA registry key doesn't not work. Change: INF update. Changed the LAA key from *NetworkAddress to NetworkAddress. Impact: none. Version Sep 29, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#26873 NDIS6: string name enhancements in order to warrant "unified INF file" for Vista Cause: Please refer to CQ#26873. Change: Renamed the OEM references in the generic INF files. Impact: None. 2. Problem: Need to Sync to latest NDIS5x driver to pickup fixes between v9.74b to v10.11c. Cause: Enhancement request. Change: Sync to latest NDIS5x. Impact: Fixed the problem as described above. 3. Problem: Need to pick up enhancements and changes made to the RC_1 branch. Change: Sync to Enhanced the way the driver handles Pause reset, and set power. Impact: None. Version Sep 22, 2006 Same driver binary files as prior v9.30 Driver Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: The latest Vista v9.24.0.0 INF-file differs from the INBOX-INF-file as to where it cross-references certain OEM's. This will break the "unified INF-file" approach taken for the INBOX-INF-file v9.20.0.1. Change: Renamed all OEM specific references in the INF files. Impact: Resolve Enhancement Request. No impact. Version Sep 21, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#26196, 26530, 26537, 26697,26739 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve Enhancement Request. Version Aug 31, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: NDIS5.1 and NDIS6.0 driver can not coexist on Vista if system has mixed of 5703 and newer device and 5700/01/02 devices. Cause: NDIS51 and NDIS60 INF use same service displayname. Os installer will not allow difference services with identical display name. Change: Changed NDIS6 inf file to use display name different from ndis51 INF file. Impact: Vista can load NDIS5.1 and NDIS6.0 driver on the same machine at the same time. 2. Problem: 5704 won't send on system with 16GB of memory. Cause: H/W limitation on RDMA request crossing 4*N GB address boundary. This also applies to any devices before 5755. Change: Coalesce send fragments when detecting any fragment in a send packet meet such condition. Impact: Fixed the problem mentioned above. Performance impact is not observed. Version Aug 29, 2006 Same driver binary files as prior v9.15 Driver Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: Remove StanfordME support for 9.7 release. Cause: Release requirement. Change: Removed 5906/5906M support. Impact: StanfordME support will not load. Version Aug 25, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#26523 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#26523 Enhancement Request. 2. Enhancement Request: CQ#26530 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#26530 Enhancement Request. 3. Enhancement Request: CQ#26537 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#26537 Enhancement Request. 4. Enhancement Request: Remove 5906/5906M for 9.7 release. Cause: Release requirement. Change: Removed 5906/5906M support. Impact: 5906/5906M will not load. 5. Problem: Interrupt coalescing doesn't work. Cause: One line of code in tigon3.c was removed by the diff tool while syncing up to the XP source code. Change: Added the missing code back. Impact: Fixed the problem. Version Aug 16, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement request: Need to merge OEM 4-part IDs into generic inf for Vista. Change: Added OEM 4-part IDs into generic inf for Vista. Impact: none 2. Problem: CQ26371 - System Under Test with 5756ME NIC encounters BSOD during MS PCI Compliance Test Cause: See detailed report attached to the CQ. Change: 1. Needs to check the state of bit 12 at 0xDC before programming the Clkreq Enable Bit and the PLLPowerDownL1_Disable Bit if bit 12 of DC is 1 then Write 1 to the Clkreq Enable Bit and Write 0 to the PLLPowerDownL1_Disable Bit else if bit 12 is clear then Write 1 to the PLLPowerDownL1_Disable Bit. Version Aug 08, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Need to Sync to latest NDIS5x driver to pickup fixes and 5906 support. Cause: Enhancement request. Change: Sync to latest NDIS5x. Impact: Fixed the problem as described above. 2. Enhancement Request: CQ#26184,26263,26147,24352,26146,26261,26262,26196,25620,26197. Add PNP IDs to Vista INF file. Cause: Requirement for Vista support. Change: Added new IDs to INF file. Impact: Resolve CQ enhancement Requests. Version Aug 04, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Driver cannot be unloaded after running 2c_loadunload in a loop overnight. It usually happens after running the script for 4 hours. Cause: At UM_Halt, driver disables interrupt on the h/w then calls NDIS function to disconnect interrupt from operating system. There is a window that a pending DPC for Isr has been queued but OS has not called NDIS's DPC for Isr when driver made call to disconnect interrupt from IDT. NDIS will in turn a) deallocate interrupt object. b) NdisMDeregisterInterruptEx immediately return without waiting for pending DPC to complete. When system calls NDIS's Dpc for Isr later, NDIS will not call driver's Dpc for Isr routine. It leaves driver pending DPC count non-zero, hence, the halt function will wait until it goes to zero which will never happen. Change: Driver waits for pending DPC to complete after disabling interrupts on h/w. It only call NdisMDeregisterInterruptEx when pending DPC count is clear (zero). Impact: Fixed the problem as described above. 2. Problem: AUT stops passing traffic in Chariot Stress test when LsoV2 is enabled on capable NICs such as 5755/5754/5787. Cause: Driver would prematurely clear the MSS in the LSO NBL information structure when the driver is running out of SBD and pushes the NetBufferList back to the send queue. The driver would not see the MSS information when resending the netbufferlist after SBDs become available. The logic of setting LSO completion is carried from old code. This problem was in the driver since day one but it doesn't expose until we test it with RC1 build+LsoV2. Change: Modify the code to setup LSO completion information after the LSO packet was actually transmitted. Impact: Fixed the problem as described above. Version Jul 20, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Driver sometimes experience linked list corruption which leads to different problems such as hang, data corruption etc. Cause: The function s_list_pop_head does not terminate the linked-list by setting the "next" field to null. If we subsequently add the removed entry to other linked list, it would add more entries than it's supposed to and the value in "cnt" field doesn't match the number of entries in the link list obviously. XP driver doesn't have this problem because it doesn't use any of functions from listq.h Change: Nullify the "next" field after the entry was removed from queue. Impact: None. Version Jun 13, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: NDIS6 driver for Vista RC 1 needs to implement new offload interface. Cause: This is a Vista RC 1 and RTM requirement. Change: Implemented changes to comply with the new offload interface. Implemented Group Keyword for TCPIP offload settings. Modified the code to comply with latest NDIStester tools. Impact: Driver passes RC 1 NDIStest on a patched 5452 build. 2. Problem: Need to merge OEM and BRCM generic INF. Cause: This is a Vista RC 1 and RTM requirement. Change: OEM and BRCM generic INFs are merged. Impact: All IDs from these infs (based on b57win 9.52B) are included in the inbox INF file. 3. Enhancement Request: CQ#25620 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. (mobile) Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#25620 Enhancement Request. Version 9.18 Jun 24, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Resume take 2 seconds longer if the ethernet cable is connected. Cause: NDIS6 driver does not complete a set power request timely if link is up before going into low power mode. The driver will wait for the link to come up at DPC level for seconds. This prevent other thread from running. Change: Driver completed the set power without waiting the link to go up. Driver does not indicate link status to OS during link setup right in the case of resuming from low power mode. It schedules a link check timer to finally report the link status if there is a change. This is to ensure driver doesn't mistakenly indicate a link down and indicate link up again. Impact: Fixed the problem as described. 2. Problem: CQ#25391 - 1c_KernelCalls IoGetAttachedDeviceReference Cause: This is introduced while implementing a workaround for beta 2 NDIS.sys not being able to access PCI configuration space at MiniportAddDevice callback. Miniport driver hence need to get access to the device stack. But NDIS driver can not call IoGetAttachedDeviceReference. Change: Remove the IoGetAttachedDeviceReference since the driver doesn't really need reference to the topmost device object while accessing the PCI bus driver. Impact: Fixed CQ#25391. Version 9.17 Jun 15, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: Enable private OID support for Vista. Cause: LH NDIS wrapper will failed OIDs sent to any NDIS6 driver if the OIDs has not been included in the supported OID list. If NDIS6 driver returns private OIDs in the support list, IOCTLCoverage will throw random data through the advertised OID. The driver does not validate the contents in the input buffer that cause random behavior while handling private OID. Change: Modify the driver to include private OIDs in the supported OID list. An input buffer header was added to each private. The header contains signature setup by the calling application. Driver always validate the signature before process a private OID. Changes are also made to BMAPI. Impact: Driver now can passed IOCTLCoverage test with private OID support. BACS can talk to NDIS6 driver through the modified BMAPI. 2. Problem: CQ#25320 NDIS6: InterruptModeration test failure Cause: Driver does not return BytesWritten. Change: Return buffer size properly. Impact: Fixed CQ#25320. 3. Problem: Driver BSODs when there are more than 32 CPUs installed. Cause: Driver assumed the max number of CPUs is 32 and allocated a static array of 32 elements for per-CPU data. It causes memory overrun when the number of active CPUs is more than 32. Change: Instead of using hardcoded number, the driver gets number of active CPUs through newly added kernel API and allocates memory from non-paged pool for per-processor slot data. Impact: Driver will not crash when number of CPU is greater than 32. 4. Problem: Driver initialization causes newer Vista check build to assert. Cause: Driver didn't properly clean up the RSS attribute pointer while registering generic attributes with ndis. Change: Change made to the initialization code to clean up the RSS attribute pointer if the chip does not support RSS. Impact: Fixed the assert in newer Vista check build. Version 9.16 Jun 12, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#24438 - Need to support MSI in NDIS 6 driver on MSI capable devices. Cause: The NDIS 6 driver for 57xx devices does not currently support MSI on *any* device, even devices that are capable of supporting MSI. It is a MSFT Vista logo requirement that all PCI-E devices supoort MSI, and thus the driver for PCI-E devices should support MSI. So the driver needs to be modified to support MSI for Shasta Cx step devices, and all later PCI-E devices including Baxter, Stanford, Jade, and Caeser. The driver should not support MSI on Shasta A/B steps due to known HW errata regarding MSI in those devices. At this time the driver is not required to support MSI on non PCI-e devices. Change: Added code support MSI in ndis6 driver. Change INF to enable OS to assign MSI resources for devices newer than Shasta. The driver implemented code to filter out MSI resources and roll back to INTX for Shasta A/B steps based on chip rev read from PCI config 0x68. Impact: MSI now is supported on Shasta CX and up. Version 9.15b May 19, 2006 Same driver binary files as prior v9.15 Driver Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: Keep NDIS60 INF in sync with XP's INF. Change: Synced to 9.52B XP inf. Impact: None. Version 9.15a May 17, 2006 Same driver binary files as prior v9.15 Driver Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#24766 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. (mobile) Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24766 Enhancement Request. 2. Enhancement Request: CQ#24456 Remove 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: Old 4 ID device match support request by OEM. (mobile) Change: Removed new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve latest requirement for CQ#24766 Version May 12, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ#24741 INF Scrub for Vista Inbox Driver Revealed Missing Support for Some Chips and Invalid 4-part IDs. Cause: Some 2-Part IDs are missing and invalid 4-Part IDs. Change: Added required 2-Part IDs and removed invalid 4-Part IDs. Impact: Fixed CQ#24741. 2. Problem: Need to sync-up to XP driver to pickup latest fixes. Change: Manually merge files from XP driver. Impact: Picked up latest changes, fixes to the XP driver. Version May 5, 2006 Merged from ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: There are multiple synchronization problems in code paths, such as the Pause/Restart, Reset, Halt, PowerManagement, interrupt and DPC handling etc. Cause: Vista OS appears to be more asynchronous which would trigger some race conditions in the some code inherent from the old design. Change: Make disabling/enabling interrupt synced with ISR, ensure no pending DPC after interrupt has been disabled. Re-write RX code so that is clean and easy to sync with other operations such as reseting, pausing, restarting, switching between power modes. Driver can not be safely reset in most case so the reset code has been changed to asynchronous. Impact: Fixed many race conditions reported by MSFT during their internal test and deployment. 2. Enhancement Request: Use in-stack spinlock to improve performance in performance critical Path. Cause: Enhancement. Change: Use in stack spinlock to improve performance in performance critical Path. Impact: Enhance spinlock performance. 3. Problem: Interrupt coalescing doesn't work and CPU usage is high under heavy traffic. Cause: Driver disables interrupt at ISR and invoke DPC. DPC will continuously check status block update and process send and receive events until a) no more status block update event b) DPC has executed more than 10 ms c) DPC loop count has been reached. When DPC is running, no interrupt is generated hence the interrupt count is very low. The interrupt coalescing logic believes the device is not generating many interrupts/events and won't kick in. Change: change made to the DPC to increment the interrupt count when it detects a new status block update so that the interrupt coalescing logic will engage to coalesce the host-attention events. Impact: Reduced CPU utilization under heavy traffic and improve PEI. Version May 5, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#24456 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. (mobile) Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24456 Enhancement Request. 2. Enhancement Request: CQ#24584 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24584 Enhancement Request. 3. Enhancement Request: CQ#24186 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Removed reference to 5788 section. Impact: Resolve CQ#24186 Enhancement Request. Version 9.12c.0.0 April 20, 2006 Same driver binary files as prior v9.5 Driver Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#24401 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. (mobile) Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24401 Enhancement Request. 2. Enhancement Request: CQ#24352 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24352 Enhancement Request. 3. Enhancement Request: CQ#24351 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24351 Enhancement Request. 4. Enhancement Request: CQ#24104 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24104 Enhancement Request. 5. Enhancement Request: CQ#24186 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24186 Enhancement Request. Version 9.12b.0.0 April 10, 2006 Same driver binary files as prior v9.5 Driver Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#24099 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. (mobile) Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24099 Enhancement Request. 2. Enhancement Request: CQ#24192 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24192 Enhancement Request. 3. Enhancement Request: CQ#24190 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24190 Enhancement Request. 4. Enhancement Request: CQ#24189 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24189 Enhancement Request. 5. Enhancement Request: CQ#24186 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24186 Enhancement Request. 6. Enhancement Request: CQ#24017 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24017 Enhancement Request. Version 9.12a.0.0 March 31, 2006 Same driver binary files as prior v9.5 Driver Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#24099 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#24099 Enhancement Request. Version March 24, 2006 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: NDIS6 driver need to pick up latest changes from XP driver. Cause: Merge of NDIS5.x driver changes is required. Change: Synced files upto 03/06/2006 from b57xp32 v9.20. Impact: None. 2. Problem: Vista 5308 Network Connection displays 1Gb while adapter is initialized with a 10/100Mb link. Cause: NDIS in this build assumes the link speed to be the Max Speed the driver has advertised at initialization without sending OID to query current link speed. Change: The Link Done Timer routine will test the current link speed if the link is active. It compares the current speed against the Max Speed advertised at initialization time, it indicates link speed change event to NDIS if current link speed does not equal to Max Link Speed. Impact: Network connection correctly shows link speed. 3. Enhancement Request: CQ23713 Add new 5789 device ID's for OEM customer. Cause: New OEM project IDs requested. Change: Added new PCI ID support in NDIS INF files. Impact: Resolve CQ23713 Enhancement Request. 4. Enhancement Request: CQ23712 Add new 5789 device ID's for OEM customer. Cause: New OEM project IDs requested. Change: Added new PCI ID support in NDIS INF files. Impact: Resolve CQ23712 Enhancement Request. Version March 3, 2006 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: CQ23438 System with 5752M fails to get DHCP address on boot if LAN cable was disconnected during OS boot and later connected after user log on to Windows. Cause: A non recoverable Read DMA error occurs in this test scenario, due to NIC's internal core clock being automatically slowed down by logic in the device when the GPHY DLL is automatically powered down when CAT 5 cable is disconnected. The GPHY DLL automatically gets powered down and NIC's internal core clock gets slowed down when the CAT 5 cable disconnected, this is an intended design power saving feature. Unfortunately, the slowed down of the core-clock causes Read DMA error, which resulted in the system failed to acquire the IP address via DHCP. Change: Modified driver code to Not Enable the GPHY DLL Auto-Power-Down feature of hardware for 5752M Devices. Impact: Higher power consumption on these devices when the device is enabled, but the network link is down. Resolve CQ23438 issue. 2. Problem: CQ23551 Disable GPHY DLL power-down on 5752M, 5754M, 5755M, and 5787M Devices. Cause: Same problem as CQ23438 would occur for the listed devices. A non recoverable Read DMA error occurs in this test scenario, due to NIC's internal core clock being automatically slowed down by logic in the device when the GPHY DLL is automatically powered down when CAT 5 cable is disconnected. The GPHY DLL automatically gets powered down and NIC's internal core clock gets slowed down when the CAT 5 cable disconnected, this is an intended design power saving feature. Unfortunately, the slowed down of the core-clock causes Read DMA error, which resulted in the system failed to acquire the IP address via DHCP. Change: Modified driver code to Not Enable the GPHY DLL Auto-Power-Down feature of hardware for all 5752M, 5754M, 5755M, 5787M Devices. Impact: Higher power consumption on these devices when the device is enabled, but the network link is down. Resolve CQ23551 issue. 3. Problem: NDIStester 6.5 Offloadchecksum failure on 5715/14/80 devices. Cause: The driver mistakenly enables pseudo header checksum on 5714/5715/5780 devices. Change: Made change to the code so that 5714/5715/5780 devices will not calculate pseudo header checksum on TX path. Impact: Passed NDIStestv6.5. Version 9.6 March 3, 2006 Merged from 9.4.1.x branch ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: 1516254 Broadcom: b57nd60a / b57nd60x: 0x9F during stress: DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE (9f) 1523492 Broadcom: b57nd60a/b57nd60x: drivers fails to send complete packets causing multiple issues. Cause: A race conditions in LM_EnableInterrupt and UM_Reset enables interrupt twice. It causes interrupt being re-enabled after DPC had disabled it. Change: Have the LM_EnableInterrupt sync with ISR and test if interrupt is unmasked before enabling interrupt. Impact: Resolved MSFT reported 1516254 and 1523492 on CTP release. 2. Problem: 1502715 Broadcom: b57nd60a.sys: v9.5.0.0: X64_0xD1_W_b57nd60a! MM_IndicateRxPackets+32b: miniport is indicating packets up when OID_GEN_CURRENT_PACKET_FILTER is not set Cause: The UM_Restart routine turns on the OkToIndicate flags without testing the current packet filter. NDIS clears packet filter when pausing a miniport. When Miniport gets restarted, NDIS does not expect miniport to indicate any RX packet until it turns on the packet filter. Change: Do not set OkToIndicatePackets when restarting miniport. Impact: Resolved MSFT reported 1502715 on CTP release. 3. Problem: 1513694 Broadcom: b57nd60x.sys "\Network Interface(*)\Bytes Sent/sec" counter 0 for Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit Controller (NDIS6.0). Cause: Driver doesn't fully support OID_GEN_STATISTICS. Change: Implemented OID_GEN_STATISTICS as required. Impact: Resolved MSFT reported 1513694 on CTP release. Version 9.5C *** INF Update *** Feb 28, 2006 Same driver binary files as prior v9.5 Driver Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ#23332 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ#23332 Enhancement Request. Version 9.5B *** INF Update *** Feb 14, 2006 Same driver binary files as prior v9.5 Driver Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ22775, 23125 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ22775, 23125 Enhancement Request. Version 9.5A *** INF Update *** Feb 2, 2006 Same driver binary files as prior v9.5 Driver Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ14658,22946, and 22956 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ14658,22946, and 22956 Enhancement Request. Version 9.5 January 31, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Assert during 2c_PMSleep.wsf. Cause: While fixing RSS shutdown crash on suspend, there is a bug being introduced causing NON-RSS devices to leave RX BDs in RX return ring, then LM_SetPowerState waits at dispatch level. Change: Release main spinlock before calling LM_SetPowerState. Impact: 2c_PMSleep won't assert. 2. Problem: Halting adapter BSOD. cause: While fixing RSS shutdown crash on suspend, there is a bug being introduced causing NON-RSS devices to leave RX BDs in RX return ring. This effectively messed up the RX resource accounting. Change: Fix in LM_Abort to make sure non-RSS nics correctly collect RX BDs in RX return ring before returning. Impact: Halting non-RSS adapter won't BSOD. Version 9.4 January 21, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Fix in 9.3 breaks LSO on 5705, ndistester asserts. Cause: Boundary condition is not detected correctly. Change: Modified code to test chip ID range correctly. Impact: Fixed 5705 LSO. Version 9.3 January 21, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problem: LSO Cert. failures on 5704 Cause: Need workround. Change: Disable LSO silently. We Will fix it later. Impact: LSO is disabled on 5704 and older chips. Version 9.2A *** INF Update *** January 20, 2006 Same driver binary files as prior v9.2 Driver Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhancement Request: CQ14024 Add 4 ID device match for new OEM project. Cause: New 4 ID device match support request by OEM. Change: Added new 4 ID device match for OEM project. Impact: Resolve CQ22775 Enhancement Request. Version 9.2 January 20, 2006 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: Broadcom driver reports MTU of 1514 in NDISMSetMiniportAttribute ? MTU should not include header and should report 1500. TCP then add 14 to the MTU; causing IPSec to interpret this as a corrupted packet cause: Incorrectly report MTU size at initialization. Change: Report MTU size correctly, MTU should not include header. Impact: Resolve reported issue. 2. Problem: Use DDK-5287 to build the driver. cause: Feb CTP release requirement. Change: No source code change required. Impact: Resolve reported issue. Version 9.1 January 17, 2006 ---------------------------------------- 1. Problem: ECD13216 Implement ECD13216 for 5714S/5715S link detection problem. Cause: Hardware errata on 5714S/5715S Change: Modified init code to enable configuration bits to enable fix for ECD13216 in hardware. Modified link status code to read link status from tx status register. Impact: None 2. Enhancement Request: CQ14643 Add new PCI ID support for OEM customer. Cause: New OEM project. Change: Added new PCI ID support in OEM installation INF file. Impact: Resolve C14643 Enhancement Request. Version 9.0 January 10, 2006 ---------------------------------------- 1. Initial release. Overall: This initial release of BRCM NetExtreme NDIS 6.0 Driver was tested to perform the best with Microsoft Longhorn (Vista) Beta build version 5270, and all tests were performed using MSFT NDIS Test 6.0.6. Although this version (9.0) of BRCM NetExtreme NDIS 6.0 Driver had encountered some problems during testing, but we believe most of the problems are MSFT Longhorn (Vista) OS and/or NDIS Test tool related. BRCM is actively engaged with MSFT regarding the "known issues", and are working with MSFT in driving the resolutions. This BRCM NetExtreme NDIS 6.0 Driver support BRCM NetExtreme chip family starting from BCM5703, 5704, CIOB-E, 5705, 5751, 5752, 5754, 5755, 5787, 5714, 5715, HTLE and derivatives. This NDIS 6.0 Driver removed the support for BCM 5700, 5701 and 5702 chips. Known issues: CQ13764: DPC timeout -- LH 5216.vbl_ndt_netio DPC watchdog timeout with b57xp32 on the stack (reported by MSFT). CQ22245: DPC timeout -- 5751C1 freezes OS when IPV6 Chariot traffic is applied CQ22290: DPC timeout -- Running Chariot IPV6 stress traffic causes OS to lock-up when LSO is disabled CQ22305: DPC timeout -- 5787mA1 cannot complete NDIS6 tester 2c_mini6Performance.wsf test script Note: DPC timeout is an OS issue where the newly introduced DPC watchdog in Windows Vista mistakenly flags the driver 30 seconds timeout at DISPATCH level. MSFT is actively looking into this issue. CQ22282: NDIS6 tester exhibits runtime script error when 2c_mini6RSSSendRecv is executed This appears to be a test kit issue, MSFT is looking into this. It only affects 5755 devices. CQ22299: 5755A1 Receive Side Scaling (RSS) does not work This was caused the "indirection table" set by protocol stacks in the Longhorn (Vista) OS. CQ22468: NDIS 6 LSO for IPv4 Does Not Appear to Work Based on Performance over CPU Utilization Measurements Under investigation. CQ14642: NDIS6 wake on LAN does not work for any sleep states This is an OS issue.