TT Tom Tom (teleatlas) building TT building_TA; 3DL, 3DC Building >>> 3dl or 3dc >>> the directory *\content\building_TT\ ================================================================ Tom Tom (teleatlas) name folders building (active) for mapchanger building_TT name folder android navigation,name folder windows navigation building_TA name folder windows navigation old ============================================================ Files in directory \content\building: *.3DL - 3D image of landmarks *.3DC - 3D image of buildings *_petrol.3DL - 3D image of petrol stations ============================================================ Podaci unutar sd/iGO/content/building: *.3DL - 3D slike znamenitosti *.3DC - 3D slike zgrada *_petrol.3DL - 3D slike benzinskih stanica ============================================================