miomap.exe is based on C310Auto by gpsgator. In this form the program is used to replace Miomap program when called from the default MIO Shell for C520,C320,C720 MIO devices. Put all 3 files miomap.exe,miomap.exe.id and miomap.scp in the default location of your MIOMAP program (MIOMAP\MIOMAP folder) Below is the explanation of the scripting the priogram understands: The file Miomap.scp will contain your custom script. You can use the program for other reasons as well.You can pass it a script file name on the command line or if not it tries to open up a file in the same directory and name as the program with the extension of .scp. Execution Syntax miomap.exe [Script{WS}[Label]] Script = File to use as script (must be quoted if it contains spaces) Label = Label to start execution at Script Syntax [WS][Label:][WS]Command{WS}[P1{WS}[P2]]EOL {} = Not optional [] = Optional WS = White Space = Tab(s) and/or Space(s) EOL = End of Line = CR LF Command = See below for supported commands P1 = Parameter 1 (If it contains spaces it must be quoted) P2 = Parameter 2 (Does not need quoting, P2 is everthing to the EOL) # Comment lines start with the #. Goto p1 Continues execution at Label name p1 Message p1 Displays popup box with p1 displayed. Restart [p1] Restarts the Mio. If p1 = hard does a hard restart. Call p1 p2 Starts the program p1 with the arguments p2. Waits for the program to finish running before continuing. Run p1 p2 Same as call but does not wait for program to finish running. Copy p1 p2 Copies file(s) from p1 to p2. p1 may be a wildcard. rCopy p1 p2 Same as Copy, but recurses down subdirectories. Desktop p1 p2 Creates a shortcut called \Windows\Desktop\p1.lnk with p2 as the command. Favorties p1 p2 Same as Desktop, but in \Windows\Favorties directory. Programs p1 p2 Same as Desktop, but in the \Windows\Programs directory. Mkdir p1 Make the directory p1. Rmdir p1 Deletes the directory p1. Delete p1 Delete the file p1. Screen p1 [p2] rotation use 0 90 180 270 backlight use on off TaskBar [p1] use hide show no parameter toggles taskbar Off Power off Mio Beep Sound a beep wait p1 Wait for p1 milliseconds before continuing Nop do nothing Exit Exit script processing. Registry processing within the program uses an external regedit program.To tell the program where this program is then use the extRegEdit command. You can use Tascal RegEdit version 0.82. The latest version can be found http://www2r.biglobe.ne.jp/~tascal/download/pocketpc/tre_e.htm.It is now called TRE (Tascal Reg Edit instead of RegEdit). ExtRegEdit p1 Specifies where the regedit program is located for processing RegEdit and rRegEdit commands. RegEdit p1 Process registry commands in the file p1. P1 may contain wildcards. rRegEdit p1 Same as RegEdit, but will recurse down subdirectories.