ShaderToyMark ------------------------------------------------------- (C)2010-2011 ShaderToyMark homepage: - ShaderToyMark has been created with the demotool GeeXLab. More information on GeeXLab: - Pixel shaders are based on the GLSL code available on Shader Toy page: --- CREDITS --- Shaders used in ShaderToyMark: 1 (bottom-left): 'Monjori' by Mic (2009) Code for the 1k intro Monjori from the demoscene: 2 (bottom-middle): 'You Massive Clod' by Tigrou (2008) Code for the 1k intro You Massive Clod from the demoscene: It made 5th position in the Function 2008 demoparty. 3 (bottom-right): 'Sult' by Loonies (2009) Based on a production from the demoscene, Sult, a 4k intro by Loonies: which made third position in the Breakpoint 2009 demoparty in Germany. Scene from Sult by Loonies Exclusive source release for ShaderToy Blame the scene chosen on iq ;) Feel free to be inspired, but please mention it (.readme) then :) -Psycho/Loonies 4 (top-right): 'Metatunnel' by TX95 (2009) Based on a production from the demoscene, the 1k intro by FRequency: It made 1st position in the Numerica Artparty 5 (top-middle): 'Leizex' by iq (2008) Code for the 4k procedural graphics Leizex from the demoscene: It's raymarching in a procedural distance field. 6 (top-left): 'To The Road Of Ribbon' by TX95 (2008) Based on a production from the demoscene, the 1k intro by FRequency: It made 2nd position in the Main demoparty held in France. MUSIC: by Rebb/TRSi^Paradise You can find this music in the musicdisk TSAR0x0001-30_DAYS by TSAR: